View Full Version : Am I normal?

27-01-10, 08:23
Hello, I just wanted to ask,

I have been suffering with HA now for about 6 months solidly, my worries are all I can think about night and day and have been for tht time, I have relaxed a bit since it was really bad, I have never had a full blown panic attack but it is a completely constant high level of anxiety and I'm so worried I have done myself harm with all the worry, and given myself what I most fear. Is this what others of you out there feel like all the time, I mean all the time.

I am starting CBT and have done some self help to try and break 'the loop', I guess I'm still worried though. No drugs as of yet. Any advice would be very welcome.


27-01-10, 08:56
Hi Fully,

You are very normal and don't worry. It is a horrible state to be in and just finding a way to break the loop is a good start to beating it. Don't think that you have done yourself harm - its only a state of anxiety.......(ONLY, I hear you say!!)
It does get better and you are being positive, which is the best thing to do.
Good luck!!

27-01-10, 09:10
Hey Mate

I was this same way this is what HA anxiety does to people like you and i

You are so normal! this is just somthing you have to get through and thats why your here!:hugs:

I havent been suffering from HA or any kind of anxiety for the past few weeks now since i last posted about my new meds :blush:

For me they have really helped me to improve i feel like i have a more normal life now! (so i can understand how you dont feel normal in a way)

All it took was a trip to the doctor.

It wasnt worth living like that anymore to me.. thinking every single day i was going to die from something so silly....

I totally understand what your going through mate and you have my love and support please feel free to pm me if you want :noangel: