View Full Version : Hello everyone.

27-01-10, 10:01
My name is David and I'm 23.

I have been suffering health anxiety for several months as a result of an incident last summer. I was out for a meal with friends and suddenly I came over very light headed and dizzy, I felt as if I'd faint although I did not (and subsequently never have). I went to the doctor to get checked out and he said I was fine and had suffered a vaso vagal reaction as a consequence of not eating enough. As a precaution I was given an ECG and asked to have a blood test, the first I've ever had which was pretty stessful. The week after I was told I'd have to repeat the test which sent my stress through the roof. I got an all clear from the doc but the damage had been done and I found I was unable to relax and get my mind out of the habit of worrying. I was distraught at any slight twitch in my body and eventually my behaviour resulted in the break up of my relationship with a girl I really cared about.

This took place over a period of about a month and after that I had three months or so where I was much better, only worrying very very occasionally. It all came back at Christmas, I had a head rush one day that lasted a matter of moments and it's destroyed my confidence.

I have suffered anxiety episodes at work, and it's making it very hard for me to do my job. I work with children which is stressful at the best of times! I'm also avoiding going out with friends because I'm scared I'll have another attack. I'm waiting to see a CB therapist but I feel lost at the moment. I've seen the doctor again and he prescribed me some beta blockers which I'm too scared to take (I feel taking what's essentially a form of heart medication in my current state would do nothing but cause me more worry.) I'm glad that I'm not alone in my suffering but saddned that so many people go through things like this. If anyone has any advice or tips on how to cope with my condition I would really appreciate it.


27-01-10, 10:03
Hi David86

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-01-10, 10:37
Hello David and welcome to nmp.
Quite often it only seems to take one incident to start the spiral of anxiety,for you it was the vaso vagal. It obviously left you scared and bewildered. The reason you get into the spiral is because of fear. Fear that it will happen again. This fear fuels even more adrenaline, resulting in more panic, and so on. There's no mystery here. You are not alone - many of us have been or are going through it. It's when you lose the fear that you begin to recover. It's when you accept. When you accept you instantly relax. Try to accept your symptoms with as much acceptance as you can muster. Carry on with your daily work and routine. Even if it's just a tiny bit of acceptance to start with you will gradually get there. When you no longer fear so much then the feelings will gradually stop happening. Nothing serious happened that day you experienced the vaso vagal - what happened was the feeling of fear afterwards. There is light at the end of the tunnel, so don't despair. You will get there.

27-01-10, 11:51
Hello there

Welcome to NMP! theres lots of helpful information here.

Its really good to have you with us!

You will have lots of love and support here!! welcome. :hugs:

27-01-10, 12:04
Hi David,

Great advice from Myra!

Everything you are experiencing is down to anxiety and nothing more. I know that can be hard to accept at first.

Your doc will have given you beta blockers to lessen the symptoms but you really don't need to take them if you don't want to, especially if the thought of doing so makes you more anxious.

To set your mind at rest about the repeat blood tests, I have had that happen. Sometimes your red blood (I think) count can be raised because of stress, a bug you are fighting off or even exercise. They retest to make sure the levels are back to normal and that's that.

Hope you feel better soon


27-01-10, 15:41
Welcome David.

You are among friends here. Please use the site for comfort and information.

Happy to listen and communicate via private messaging any time.

Very best wishes


27-01-10, 16:32
Hi David,

Welcome to the site. PM me anytime if you need to talk.


28-01-10, 10:45
Thanks for the replies. It's a really nice community here :)

I don't know if it was a result of finding this site and realising I'm not alone or what but I managed to have a great day yesterday. I felt on edge but it always felt manageable, I went for a walk to the beach with my mate (sadly it started raining the heaviest I've ever seen as soon as we got there!) and also went out on the night to see some other friends; things I've not felt comfortable doing for a long time.

I really appreciate the advice you've given so far. I don't know if people are aware of this already but if you go on itunes and search for the Meditation Podcast it has some really helpful information and relaxation techniques. Hopefully they can help someone else out as I've found them really useful.

Cheers :D

Veronica H
28-01-10, 12:23
:welcome:Welcome to NMP David. You will find comfort and support here.


28-01-10, 17:55
Hi David,
I cant relate to your post and know how you feel, I work with children as well-its a hard arena to work in when you're feeling anxious and panicky.
Anyway, stay strong and take care,