View Full Version : Jolts of lightheadedness...Scared its my heart...

27-01-10, 10:39
As some of you may know...Ive had heart realted symptoms for a while now. On the one hand, I feel as if im getting better..hardly any palps now..Ive come down from having a lot to just nticing maybe a couple of subtle flutters..sometimes none at all in a day. My chest tightness/wheeze also seems to be gradually shifting...Ive had two ECGS both normal..Docs seem to think its nothing serious...But now, ever since i had tht episode of near fainting after the blood test..I feel jolts of lightheadedness when im up and about...it catches me momentarily and i feel off balance..sometimes i get bad jolts and i think i might pass out again..im terrified...Im due to have a 24 hr holter fitted on the 15th....anyone else relate to this..I had a bad dream this morn abt my symptoms so ive only had 2 hrs sleep!! nt making me feel any better!

27-01-10, 10:40
btw, my pulse always seems steady/regular when i check it. although at night or when im tired/worn out..it can be as a low as 55/56 bpm.

27-01-10, 10:52
I can relate to the lightheadedness totally, im having a really bad time of it at the moment. Im actually waiting for the doctor to ring any time now, as i have been getting weird sensations in my chest area....so im scared its my heart, and also alot of pressure feeling in my head....so im scared its my head. Im at a total loss with it all now so hense the doctor ringing.
So i can relate to how you are feeling and why you are anxious about it, sorry i cant be of any help tho!

Take care
Debs x

27-01-10, 10:57
im hoping tht its because ive been taking anti histamines lately....I can still exercise...i do get the pressure feeling in my head too! scary. Im trying nt to freak out but its tough.
ive been feeling crappy for abt two months now!!! argghhh.

thanks for your reply.

27-01-10, 17:44
anybody? im rly worried.