View Full Version : I'm waking in the night with pain all over my body.Any ideas please?

27-01-10, 10:50
Hi. For about a week now I've been waking at about 2.30 am every night aching all over my body. It's as if I have an elastic band tied around my body. I had the same feeling when I had pre eclampsia and I was swollen all over my body. I have no swellings by the way.If you have had that then you will know exactly what I mean. It's as if theres an intense pressure that needs releasing, its very painful and it is difficult to get back to sleep. My bed is normally mega comfy, it has memory foam and I use one of those curvy pillows which is brill for my neck problem but even that feels uncomfortable at the moment. I have been exercising 4 to 5 times a week since the new year, a mixture of pilates, tai chi, yoga, swimming, aqua classes. I vary the classes and they last 1 hour except the swimming which is 30 mins my aim being intensity rather than duration. Let me just say its not soreness like when you start exercise and muscles ache because that would be in the daytime too and its not. I wear loose clothing in bed.I gave blood yesterday and my blood pressure was normal so it isn't that. I'm not looking forward to going to bed tonight. Has anybody got any ideas please?It really does hurt!

27-01-10, 11:23
It could be all your exercising, they say you can tell if your exercises are working by the amount of pain your in the next day! My hubby is on a gym kick at the moment and doesnt seem to feel the aches and pains through the day but when we are in bed he is all restless and achy. Hope this helps, take care.
Carol x

27-01-10, 13:11
Hi. I see what you are saying but I've have had aches and soreness from exercise before and it doesn't feel like that. I feel like my body is 'throbbing' all over!It's really hard to describe. I will persevere before I go to the docs because its only been a short while. Maybe it is the exercise and my body needs to get use to it!Thanks for your feedback Carol.


27-01-10, 13:34
I have had the sames feelings in my legs, it was so bad that I went to A & E. It felt the same as having a blood pressure sleeve on but around the leg instead of the arm. I had and MRI scan but apart from arthritis nothing showed up.

I was assured that this is a sign of acute anxiety, I did accept this and it stopped a few weeks later. If I get het up it comes back again but not as bad.


27-01-10, 14:15
Interesting mave, having a blood pressure sleeve on is a good description. I can't see how mine is anxiety though as it wakes me up from a lovely sleep in the middle of the night and I feel it all over!Strange!

27-01-10, 22:07
I have exactly the samething you do . I don't know why but I feel this way every night. I have gotten to where I take a couple tylenol before I go to sleep ,they make me sleepy but even then if I wake during the night I still feel as you do.. I dont know what it is but if you find out please let me know.. Michael

28-01-10, 15:28
looking4answers would you say its like cramp but all over, not just the legs? If I find out I'll let you know. Last night wasn't as bad as it has been.

28-01-10, 17:08
Maybe you are very anxious and tensing yourself up in your sleep. I've wakened up and my neck and shoulders are aching and I just know it's been because of tension. If you are doing all that exercise why don't you try a hot bath before bed and maybe it'll relax your muscles.

28-01-10, 20:35
myra, maybe but it's difficult to decide if it is that. I'm well at the moment with my depression so I go to bed very relaxed. I'll see what tonight brings!