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View Full Version : So scared got chest Xray results

27-01-10, 14:53
Just phoned for my chest xray results and I have been told that I have to make an appintment to see a doctor.

I'm so scared, I'm in pieces, crying my eyes out. I have lung cancer I just know it...I can't do this, I don't know what to do...

27-01-10, 15:08
Try and relax, this happened to me a few months ago and I worried myself silly like you, I was crying thinking he was going to tell me the worst. But in the end, all he wanted was to tell me the results face to face and ask me how I was feeling now. Please try not to worry.


27-01-10, 15:08
Thanks, but I'm just so scared...

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 15:09
hey Mondie, i had a chest x ray a few weeks ago, he didnt tell me anything, told me it would be at the doctors in one week, so i called and had to demand to speak to a doctor as they said i would have to make a appointment, so i said to the recep then and there now you have made me nervous i need to speak to a doctor, what was the chest x ray for ??? xx mine was for costichondrol joint syndrome xxxxxxxx and how old are you etc etc.................... receptionist dont realise how important it is that we need to know straight away, id suggest call the doctors back and say you want to speak to a doctor , they are there to help you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

27-01-10, 15:17
Thanks, but I'm just so scared...

I know you are hun, i was too. I almost burst into tears when I was asked to come down. Kept saying to my boyfriend 'Thats it, I have cancer, my days are numbered...' but it turned out fine, just like it will for you. Please, I know it's really hard but try and relax, read a book, have a bath, watch a funny movie anything to take your mid off it.


27-01-10, 15:17
Just phoned up and a duty doctor is calling me back this afternoon - thanks for the advice.

I feel so sick and scared, I'm getting married in April and have all sort of plans for our future and now I can't see past the end of the day.

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 15:24
Nooooooooooooo, dont be silly, they need to understand that when they ask us to make a app for tests results that seriously stress's us out, its horrid, youll be fine, xxx im sure, if only i could take my own advice, can i ask what the x ray was for ??? you WILL still be getting married in april silly xxxxx
i believed i had lung cancer, was worried sick i even looked at the chest x ray after the guy did to see what my non medical eyes could work out, and then went home and googled pictures of healthy x rays lol, crazy haha xxxx
and all was fine, hey i think i have a brain tumour instead of a inner ear infection....... so im currently banned from DR GOOGLE haha xxxxx
much love xxx

27-01-10, 15:33
The doctor just called and my x-ray is fine!!!!!!!! Why on earth did the receptionist say that I had to see a doctor. Do they not realise the fear they can put into people?

He said the reason that they asked me to come back in was to see what else they could do for my back/chest/shoulder blade pain...

Feel so much better (but furious at the receptionist) THANK YOU so much Carly & Ella for taking the time out to chat to me. You were a big help and I am so grateful, I love this forum


27-01-10, 15:34
Excellent. That's great news.

You are right though. Why couldn't she just tell you over the phone or that ?

Dreadful making you wait like that. It's the same all the time.

Happy for you though. That's a good thing.

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 15:34
Yay !!! you see teehee xxxx all is fine xxxx
i now have to get myself in the right frame of mind to tell myself i have no brain tumour or any type of cancer, i just have a viral ear infection !!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

27-01-10, 15:42
Carly - HA is so powerful that it makes us ignore what doctors say is wrong with us and instead we diagnose ourselves. It really is an awful thing to have and I wish that I could make us all feel 'normal' again.

I had lots of dizziness and headaches (still do sometimes) and I was told that it was TMJ and relates to me clenching my jaw all the time. I was getting earache, lots of pressure in my ears, headaches and dizziness - does that sound like you at all?

Thanks again hun xx

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 15:45
yes that is the same as what i have, have been put on serc to stop the dizziness and it has worked, they told me i have labrynthisis, ewwww, and it can go on for a long time, xxxxx just want it to go away, i was terrible last week, i really thought i was going to die it was so awful until i finally went to the doctors xxxx she has reasurred me it isnt a brain tumour, but still, she cant see inside my head !! xxxx

27-01-10, 15:47
No she can't, but she is much more qualified than us and DR Google combined!!! xx

27-01-10, 17:01
The doctor just called and my x-ray is fine!!!!!!!! Why on earth did the receptionist say that I had to see a doctor. Do they not realise the fear they can put into people?

He said the reason that they asked me to come back in was to see what else they could do for my back/chest/shoulder blade pain...

Feel so much better (but furious at the receptionist) THANK YOU so much Carly & Ella for taking the time out to chat to me. You were a big help and I am so grateful, I love this forum


I'm so happy for you!!:)
Bet you feel like a MASSIVE weight has been taken off your shoulders.
Now back to preparing for your wedding! :D


Cell block H fan
27-01-10, 18:52
It sounds to me like you just have a very good doctor then! Even though the results are clear, he/she wants to sort out why you have those symptoms. Most doctors just say (through the receptionist) yeh, the results were all clear, end of.
I guess they are busy & have a lot on their plate. Its good that they want to follow it up for you though.
They scare the beejesus outta ya though dont they. When I was 21 I had my first ever pap test & had been having stomach pains. I got a letter through the post 3 months later saying the results were abnormal & I needed to make an appointment to see the doctor. I nearly s*** my pants there & then. Now I know abnormal can mean anything from just going for a re test in a few months to cancer, but to me at the time it meant I was gravely ill! And the doctor at the time wasn't much more help either when I did go & speak to them & I did end up having to go have Loop diathermy treatment at Queen Charlotte & Chelsea in London, twice. Thankfully times have changed a lot now & they explain it better though. x

27-01-10, 19:20
Hi Rach

I'm pleased that you got to talk to a doctor and that everything is ok.:)

