View Full Version : Hi im neesh X

Neesh X
27-01-10, 15:12
Hi everyone

Im Neesh and im from stafforshire uk.
I suffer with Health Anxiety,
I recently lot 2 people very close to me very unexpectedly. Ive always been an anxious person but its only since they passed that its really had a massive impact on my day to day life.
No currently on any med for it tried Cilopram but the side affects were awful and now too scared to try any of the others.
Been trying herbal products which ive been finding really helpful.
So ive just gone back to work i have my good days and bad days.
Have already found NMP amazing is helped me so much already and have spoken to lots of lovely and helpful people.
Hope to get to know more of you soon and that we can help eachother
Thats about it
thanks guys
Neesh X

27-01-10, 15:14
Hi Neesh X

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-01-10, 15:16
Hi Neesh,

Welcome, I have just read your post on herbal remedies - I shall look into those!
Glad you have found something that works for you.
Good luck x

27-01-10, 15:36
Welcome Neesh.

You are among friends here.

All good wishes


28-01-10, 01:50
Hello there

Welcome to NMP! theres lots of helpful information here.

Its really good to have you with us!

You will have lots of love and support here!! welcome. :hugs:

28-01-10, 18:00
Hi Neesh,
Small world-I'm also from Staffordshire (and am new to this site!)
I'm also trying to avoid medication and sticking to herbal remedies-what are taking? I find Passiflora tablets and rescue remedy good-but am always open to new suggestion!
Anyway, take care and stay strong!