View Full Version : More worry

27-01-10, 15:30
Hi all,
I thought I would write down what I am thinking on this forum as my brain feels like it may explode from worrying!
If you have read my previous threads you would have noticed that I have had health anxiety for years triggered by cancer when I was 15 and then my dad getting MS and then topping it off my mum gets dementia, well, My mum and dad are in a home now and I struggle everyday to see her getting worse, she is having problems swallowing now so I am still stressed as I cannot do anything to help her. Anyway, my dad has Glucoma as well as MS so I thought I should go and get my eyes checked out because I had been getting stinging and dry eyes... this may be withdrawal from my medication or stress or a disease not sure which!!
well I had the eye test and they noticed my eye pressure was too high and now I have been refered to hospital! I really have had enough of hospitals and am sick and tired of worrying now and want it to stop.. has anyone suffered from stinging and dry eyes? I have been given artifical tear drops...

27-01-10, 15:35
I am sorry about your parents. They will be in good hands though I'm sure. I suffer from dry eyes. I also had to attend hospital because my optician noticed my pressure was too high. I went to hospital and the doctor said yes, it was high, but that it was just "normal" for me. So no other treatment was needed. The optician told me to buy dry eye drops and didn't make a big deal of it. It doesn't always have to be the worst case diagnosis. I hope you get on okay. Please let us know.

27-01-10, 15:41
Hi Myra,
Thanks, feel a little better now. I can't seem to help thinking the worse...I worry about worrying and think that I may have caused something serious. I am getting CBT to try and control this worry so I hope this will work..