View Full Version : Agitated

27-01-10, 15:46
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if people find they are agitated a lot with their anxiety. I am 33 and because of what's happened to me this last year I have moved back with my parents, but I find myself feeling snappy so much. I manage to hold a lot of it in, but sometimes I just feel so agitated, and then I feel so guilty because it's usually about something really silly. It's terrible. Is agitation part of anxiety? I am not on meds.

Louise xx

27-01-10, 17:04

Yes agitation is a part of it because the whole body is on edge and everything is much harder and we are more sensitive to everything because of our worries.

28-01-10, 09:30
I used to be, yes. It doesn't help hat I am a naturally impatient person.

Now, if I find myself getting irritated, I take a couple of Kalms and basically try to talk myself into feeling calmer, especially if it is in a situation I can do bugger all about eg. travel problems.

29-01-10, 03:57
Yes, very much so. If I am really anxious I feel angry a lot of the time and I have no idea why. I am always really nice to my friends but for some reason my parents really annoy me and I can become quite nasty around them although I don't mean or want to be. This usually makes me feel really guilty as I have lovely parents who don't deserve it.

I have had to move in with one of my parents recently. I have found it difficult to adjust to living in a different environment and adapting to their 'rules' and living patterns when I used to have my own. Are you able to get much time to yourself? Walks, days/eves out, even just having a long bath or sitting in a different room for a little while can help me reduce my agitation. :)

29-01-10, 08:16
Yes, agitation is a symptom. When I last felt like this I started taking Kalms and that feeling passed. It's because your body is on edge for a long time. It's unpleasant but it will go.

jude uk
29-01-10, 10:43
Yeah it can be part of anxiety but there may be an underlying cause. Maybe you are not content with you're present situation. I know when I am not content I get more agitated.

29-01-10, 15:59
Thanks, and I am glad that it's not just me that feels this way. Yes I do go for walks and try to go out, and it does help. You are right, I suppose I am not content with my situation which is making things worse.