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27-01-10, 17:20
I know this is gonna sound daft but I'm gonna ask it anyway lol.
I'm a very musical person, I play keyboards & am currently learning to play the guitar..well, I was *rollseyes*

But I also liked to sing too, but now I feel like I can't because I get out of breath, do you think it's me not breathing right because of the anxiety that's stopping me from singing or that I've got some kind of lung problem that's stopping me from breathing properly...

If anyone of you sing for any reason, do you find that your anxiety makes it difficult?
Any info would be great as I would hate for this avenue of pleasure to be stopped too...

It just feels like there's no air there to use & everything's tight & the words just won't come out...I can get like it when I talk too :(

margaret jones
27-01-10, 18:29
Hi cant sing so dont know about that but do sometimes feel out of breath when talking but i am worse when anxious so maybe it is your anxiety

Take Care Margaret

27-01-10, 22:56
Hi - yes, I recently took up singing and have experienced really strong dizziness, particularly when doing warming up exercises. I read somewhere that it's like the sort of dizziness you can get when blowing up a balloon, and that's what mine feels like.
I think its to do with the fact that you have to hold your breath for longer than usual when you are singing. I have bad HA but to be honest this doesn't worry me.

28-01-10, 00:27
I've sung for a long time (a nose operation a few years ago put paid to that though).

Yes, the breathing techniques used can make you out of breath. I find that, apart from sounding rough, i cannot sustain a note for too long now. To give you an example of how long i used to hold a note for, listen to Smack My B*tch Up by the Prodigy and listen to the long note the girl holds in the middle of the song... i could hold that :ohmy:! I could also go quite high for a bloke (think Jimmy Somerville singing Johnny Remember Me - i could hit the highest note on that song). well, it's all gone now! Can still sing quite high (think The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition) but i just sound weak and forced falsetto-like! Can't even hold a sentence sometimes without getting out of breath!

I've written my own songs and recorded them in professional studios; i've entered talent contests (never came first but i had a couple of 2nd's and 3rd's). Never pursued the singing career. Now i have lost my singing voice i regret it! :weep:

Persevere though, and the singing will probably help your panicky feelings. Good breath control is good for your soul! :)

28-01-10, 01:10
Yes I get like real short of breath sometimes just whistling and then the next ten minutes ill be breathing fine..Im pretty sure its associated with anxiety because I have noticed it all my life even when I was really young and my lungs are perfect.. Michael