View Full Version : Caffaine + Anxiety

27-01-10, 17:54

i have noticed that drinking to much tea makes me in a way scatty, i drink a hell of alot of tea, i done ten cups today at least.

i know should should not really exceed 300mg of caffaine a day and i think im pushing that.

i also use to love red-bull but a can of that sends me through the roof now.

does anyone else have problem with caffaine? i started to drink de-cafe coffee atm and it dont make much diference.

28-01-10, 09:21
My first, and worst, panic attack was almost entirely due to too much caffeine.

I can't even tolerate the small amount that's in chocolate!

If you cut it out completely you will soon feel the benefit. However the less you have you will probably find the more sensitive you will become so once you give it up, you have to be prepared to give it up for good.

28-01-10, 10:02
I would totally reccomend giving up caffeine. Caffeine and anxiety are not good at all - it is like fuel for the fire. Try decaf tea and coffee. Switch to herbal teas without caffeine. Cut waaay down on your chocolate intake because that is full of caffeine too. With time, when your anxiety becomes more manageble you can slowly include small amounts of caffeine (like a bar of chocolate or a cup of tea.)

Please give it a try - you will be suprised at the results!

28-01-10, 10:29
I agree with BabyRachel, give up the caffeine all together. There are some really good decaf teas about. If you are a tea snob, then even Twinings and Yorkshire tea do a decaf.

28-01-10, 11:29
I do drink a few cups of regular tea with caffeine a day but I make sure it's very weak. I've also started buying the Twinings Calming Tea and unlike the gross tasting Chamomile they actually taste really nice. My favourite one right now is the Cherry and Cinnamon and it's a really relaxing drink :)

28-01-10, 13:21
I havent drank tea or coffee for years since going off it when pregnant with my son 26 years ago! I did however give up chocolate last year and my anxiety levels and palps have greatly reduced. I do miss chocolate but its a small price to pay.
Take care
Carol x

28-01-10, 15:51
I have the same problem. I used to drink coffee with shot of espresso and had no problems. Now even decaf makes me feel hyper and anxious. I switched to no caffeine green tea

28-01-10, 15:58
White chocolate has no caffeine Carol - feel free to indulge!

28-01-10, 16:01
I love coffee but keep it to 2 cups a day.
I drank 6 cups of tea once and it made my heart race so bad :-(
try and stick to 2 cups and try herbal tea or you can get decaff tea too these days :-)

28-01-10, 17:29
I know brunette but if I indulge I will talk myself into palps!!! Thanks for your kind thought tho x

28-01-10, 17:33
cheers for the advice guys, i will start to cut down and switch to de-caff and see how that goes, it will be dificult because im a propper tea monkey lol. :winks:

28-01-10, 17:49
I've reached a compromise, as I love my coffee so much that I can't seem to give it up. I only allow myself 2-3 cups and they have to be drunk before noon. After that, I make myself drink water, to flush my system out and to make sure I can sleep at night.

I don't drink tea and I don't like decaf (and now I am just making excuses for not being able to kick the habit :wall: ).

28-01-10, 18:21
My anxiety and panic attacks were brought on my too much caffeine. i used to drink 3 or 4 big cans of relentless a day which now come to think of it why would i want to drink that much! there the size of an average beer can. Ive cut it out completly, i have a coffee occaisonally but i find it does make me shaky and bring on panic attacks so ive cut it out completly. I do miss my can of relentless and my cup of tea in the morning though! lol

28-01-10, 18:37
i have never had problems sleeping after a day on the caffaine, just keep getting up to go to the loo :blush:

i read its good to have a glass of water after every tea or coffee to flush the caffaine out. :shrug:, suppose you could just stop the caffaine intake all together lol.

29-01-10, 01:47
caffeine triggered me to have an anxiety disorder,, HA to be exact i used to consume about 3 cups of coffee a day 1 can of red bull and weider fatburners
(approx the caffeine content is like 4 cups of coffee per tablet) i usually take two tabs before and after my workout,, i started having nervous attacks and avoided the fat burners and coffee

29-01-10, 03:34
My counsellor told me to cut down on tea and coffee as well as chocolate but not straight away. I used to drink about 8 cups of whatever a day, (sure it was related to boredom), now I can't drink anymore than 3. Does anyone know of any other foods to avoid? Good news about the white chocolate, need something to indulge in now and again. :)

29-01-10, 13:42
Long before I had panic attacks, a friend once made me a large cafetiere of extra strong coffee to "sober" me up a bit after a heavy drinking session.

Well needless to say I got absolutely no sleep that night, and felt my heart beating in a completely random way! Ever since then I have avoided coffee except for really special occasions.

29-01-10, 14:01
Caffeine definitely doesn't help me. At first I think it might have been partly psychological but now I only drink de-caff tea and coffee, I seem to react and get anxious without fail if I drink normal tea or coffee.

If you drink a lot of cups of tea a day, try the de-caff, its not as nice if you like strong tea but you do get used to it.

29-01-10, 14:55
I am a big coffee fan but have reluctantly cut it out completely too. I've tried to find somewhere that sells yummy decaf but have yet to succeed - any recommendations?

I strongly recommend Redbush or Roibois tea. It is the only decaf herbal tea I have found that isn't too sweet. Dragonfly teas do a lovely Earl Grey version which is perfect with a splash of milk.

29-01-10, 15:12
I feel terrible if I drink normal tea and eat chocolate. For the past 2 weeks I have given up chocolate and also for the last 2 years only drink Tetleys Decaf tea (the only one I've found that tastes like normal tea).

I drink just the one cup of normal tea a week and that is when I go into Costa Coffee for a cuppa.

As soon as I have chocolate or normal tea I feel sick, hot, dizzy, heart racing, lower tummy pains etc. It's not worth it so have given up

29-01-10, 16:07
Like most people here I have cut right down on my coffee intake and try to drink water and chamomile tea (it takes a bit of getting used to but after a while it's ok)

However I have to have my caffeine fix first thing in the morning and like someone else said, limit it to two cups a day, preferably before the afternoon.

08-04-10, 10:21
I am so glad i came upon this thread. I only drink decaff tea or coffee, but i am a chocoholic. I have been doing slimming world so only allow myself a curly wurly now and again and i have been fine with that. Last week however, i made some 'rocky road' chocolate bars using dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids). I had a few pieces on saturday (as it was easter weekend i thought why not ?!) and felt a bit dizzy and jumpy on the afternoon but did not think much of it.
Last night i decided that all the chocolate in the house had to go as i needed to get back on the diet wagon. There was about 6 or seven portions of the rocky road left and i greedily ate the lot. BIG MISTAKE !, boy am i suffering today, although i slept fine i am extremely anxious, jittery and dizzy. I have had to come home from work as i can not focus and i have a really upset tummy.
Lesson learnt though, i am giving up chocolate for good.

08-04-10, 10:47

Out of the kindness of my heart and at great personal cost I'm willing to help you. Please send all your chocolate and esp. rocky road to me by e-mail asap. I will ensure all the naughty calories are dealt with by being immersed in a vat of acid and digestive enzymes.

one of us

08-04-10, 22:23
My first, and worst, panic attack was almost entirely due to too much caffeine.

I can't even tolerate the small amount that's in chocolate!

If you cut it out completely you will soon feel the benefit. However the less you have you will probably find the more sensitive you will become so once you give it up, you have to be prepared to give it up for good.

OMG, that so the same for me. Giving it up has made the panic atacks so much better. Still have them but not as severe!!

08-04-10, 22:25
Like most people here I have cut right down on my coffee intake and try to drink water and chamomile tea (it takes a bit of getting used to but after a while it's ok)

However I have to have my caffeine fix first thing in the morning and like someone else said, limit it to two cups a day, preferably before the afternoon.

I just drink decafe tea and coffee? It tastes the same......

08-04-10, 22:27
cheers for the advice guys, i will start to cut down and switch to de-caff and see how that goes, it will be dificult because im a propper tea monkey lol. :winks:

A good quality of decafe tea tastes the same after a while. I use Twinings or PG, you have to leave the t-bag in just a bit longer but its just as nice....try it. It will make such a difference. Dont forget that you will feel a wee bit rough to begin with as you will be with-drawing from caffaine. Good luck, x

09-04-10, 01:28
Like pretty much everyone here, caffeine effects me badly! I have two cups of tea in a few hours and I get the shakes massively, and paranoia. I've started drinking decaf, and it was awful at first, but now i prefer it! If I'm at a friends I'll have one cupn of normal tea/coffee, but that's it. What it does to me otherwise is awful, I'm more paranoid than at any other time!

09-04-10, 02:09
I used to love coffee, infact it was all I used to drink. Now I've cut right down, I don't like how it affected my sleeping habbits either, as I was getting little sleep and used caffiene to prop me up and get me through the day.

After over a month of being clear of the stuff, I feel much better, and I honestly feel calmer, more awake and more in control of my anxiety and feelings than I ever have been before.

The headaches you experience while cutting it out though, God!! Don't get me started, it was like hell. I read something somewhere that caffiene thins your blood, and the tension headaches are caused by the blood vessels in your brain swelling and causing pressure! Scary stuff
