View Full Version : Ironic trigger to a panic attack anyone?

27-01-10, 18:34
Hi guys and girls,

What i am about to write might sound strange. Even i feel that it is strange.
On many occasions i find that my panic attacks are actually triggered by feeling alright. Told you it sounded strange. I don't know if anyone can agree with this.

Sometimes i am out and about and feeling okay and suffering with only mild anxiety and then my mind bizarrely says to itself "I am feeling quite normal today, this can't be right can it?" and that thought process make me start to panic because then i think is ther 'feeling normal' masking something, and then typically i have a panic attack.

It is annoying because for us sufferers we long for days where we wake up with a spring in our step and a positive thought in our minds as we know these things can be seldom experienced by us. Ironically, even feeling good makes me question whether something sinister is a foot which is being hidden by the 'feeling good'

If anyone else can associate themselves with this, please let me know

Thanks for reading

God Bless


Veronica H
27-01-10, 19:48
Hi Dave

This is not unheard of and has happened to me in the first few months of recovery. This will get better.:bighug1:


27-01-10, 20:03
I've had this well, and don't think it's unusual at all.

Eventually the frequency of your panic attacks will go down, and soon you will forget you ever had them!

28-01-10, 01:25
ive often said feeling ok its an alien feeling to me! i get so used to being anxious that i think something is wrong when I'm not anxious!

28-01-10, 09:06
I have been over the worst of my anxiety for 6 months but I am still often acutely aware that I'm "feeling ok"

One of those weird things I guess :)

31-01-10, 22:57
This is so familiar for me - it's almost like I don't think I deserve to feel 'ok' so when I do I kind of remind myself that it could go wrong at any point.....then it usually does.
Frustrating thought process indeed.

01-02-10, 05:44
Sometimes when I go out and I'm actually enjoying myself I suddenly remember that I have panic attacks and that seems to trigger anxiety symptoms! The trick is to push those thoughts out of your mind if you can.

01-02-10, 17:50
This is not werid and many of us feel the same as shown above !! Sometimes stopping and taking a moment to control your breathing and remind yourself that it is panic and that u can control this.

You will get there hun

01-02-10, 21:28
Yep I used to get this alot. It's all about your attitude towards yourself, and if youv'e had anxeity for a while it becomes part of your personality. so if your not anxious you dont feel like yours elf. But the good thing is that your are experiencing periods free of anxiety and that must mean your are on the right track to larger periods of feeling good. alot of us here would kill for a period free anxiety I know I would.
Good luck and keep working on it