View Full Version : Depression-Help

27-01-10, 19:30
I've struggled with meds for depression/anxiety for 4 years and have been feeling really awful. I've now been told I should really be taken in to sort this out in the Priory. I feel terrible now and am scared of being drugged up and left in a corner etc. I've tried all alternatives and don't know what to do for the best.

any advice appreciated


claire m
27-01-10, 20:37
hi you say you have struggled with meds for 4 years,
but have you actually had any kind of therapy for your problems as the medication will only help to a point.
I use to think i got depressed for no reason what so ever,
but since starting therapy i know its deep rooted issues that causing it and once i deal with them and find ways to do that i will only be able to move forward with my life.

27-01-10, 21:15
Hi Jb as someone who has benefited from the treatment options available at the Priory I would suggest that you find out as much as you can before committing yourself to any therapy there. Do you have health insurance? If you do then contact them to see whether you have psychiatric cover as not all insurers cover this and there are exclusions. If you do then ask them what is covered on your policy? You will only have so many days of in patient care/day care plus out patient consultations. The Priory is a private psychiatric hopsital and unless you are very well off it would not really be an option to self fund. If you went in as an inpatient you would be offered drug therapy but also a range of 'courses' such as self esteem, and CBT as well as one to one and group therapy. You most certainly would not be left in a corner or drugged up. It is worth knowing before you go for treatment what your insurers will offer you? You might want to spread out your treatment say with some in patient and then day care for a while. A typical stay for depression could be four to six weeks. I hope this is of some help to you.