View Full Version : I think that everything is a sign!

27-01-10, 22:33
Doeas anyone feels like evrythng you do keeps showing a sign of concern towards what you feel regarding HA? from the internet,TV and reading materials i kept on stumbling upon issue which is directly related to my fear

hence it adds more fuel to my fire:weep:

27-01-10, 22:36
I think this is a huge coincidence!! I've done it myself, been worrying about something and then reading an article about the exact same thing. It's just one of those things. I don't think it's anything for you to worry about.

27-01-10, 23:18
What kind of signs are you worrying about? End of the world ,or sign that things are meant to happen or will happen for this reason or that? Frankly speaking..there is no signs,no luck ,no reason or rhyme for anything. We are a chaotic accident that happened and well.. basically an accident that got out of hand lol. Life is unpredictable and although it seems that way sometimes ..there is no pre destiny..its all random and unwritten..

Its so weird ,people make such a big deal about their lives..Im going to be this or that or its always been this way or that.Its all random and uncontrolled.. People act like they will live forever and that things are written in stone.Its a miracle that you and I ever made it to life. All the things that could have gone wrong from the time we were conceived til the time we exited the womb..

Then making it through the first years till a time that we could even worry about being ill and about signs.. Life is a mystery.. the universe as well.. and what is beyond even more.. Your life compared to the time that the universe has been around is very insignificant, of course not to you or I but to all that exist it is. Its too precious of a gift to wonder about what signs mean anything. There are no signs period. We are random creations we live our short lives and then we die..No reason for signs we are life such as a flower or a plant or a rain storm or a blade of grass,We are born and then we wither and die such as the great cycle of life.. Please enjoy your life and hope you feel better soon and don't worry about signs surely there is no reason to.. Take care. Michael

27-01-10, 23:28
I don't think it's quite as simple as that for some people Lookingforanswers!! You seem in a very cynical mood.

27-01-10, 23:42
What kind of signs are you worrying about? End of the world ,or sign that things are meant to happen or will happen for this reason or that? Frankly speaking..there is no signs,no luck ,no reason or rhyme for anything. We are a chaotic accident that happened and well.. basically an accident that got out of hand lol. Life is unpredictable and although it seems that way sometimes ..there is no pre destiny..its all random and unwritten..

Its so weird ,people make such a big deal about their lives..Im going to be this or that or its always been this way or that.Its all random and uncontrolled.. People act like they will live forever and that things are written in stone.Its a miracle that you and I ever made it to life. All the things that could have gone wrong from the time we were conceived til the time we exited the womb..

Then making it through the first years till a time that we could even worry about being ill and about signs.. Life is a mystery.. the universe as well.. and what is beyond even more.. Your life compared to the time that the universe has been around is very insignificant, of course not to you or I but to all that exist it is. Its too precious of a gift to wonder about what signs mean anything. There are no signs period. We are random creations we live our short lives and then we die..No reason for signs we are life such as a flower or a plant or a rain storm or a blade of grass,We are born and then we wither and die such as the great cycle of life.. Please enjoy your life and hope you feel better soon and don't worry about signs surely there is no reason to.. Take care. Michael

Thanks ill reflect on this,, thats what my fiancee is telling all along

27-01-10, 23:47
I think this is a huge coincidence!! I've done it myself, been worrying about something and then reading an article about the exact same thing. It's just one of those things. I don't think it's anything for you to worry about.


did you ever expericed worrying it too much then suddenly turning the TV on voila!!!

28-01-10, 01:22
I don't think it's quite as simple as that for some people Lookingforanswers!! You seem in a very cynical mood.


Im sorry to offended you with my thoughts.. but its pretty much that simple..sorry to be honest and truthful. People that would have it that way to extend and complicate the simple truth do so at their own peril. I ask forgiveness if have upset you and hope you won't think me cynical just trying to help in my own way .. Michael

28-01-10, 01:37
Hi, This made me smile, i was just saying this to my mam the other day in the car. I buy magazines every week and it seems that what ever issue i am fighting with in my own head sure enough a article is in the magazine, never with a happy ending and always without fail makes me panic, My mams advice was quite good... STOP BUYINNG THE BLOODY MAGAZINES LOL :) xx

28-01-10, 01:43
Women's magazines are the worst, their medical or health sections are anything but helpful most times.

28-01-10, 01:44
yeah i agree sleepless, its all cancer, murder and love rats, not good for positive thoights

28-01-10, 01:49
And they say they are trying to help you but its seems like paranoia and fear to me.

28-01-10, 02:28
GOOGLE,Too much medhelp.org,TV,Mags will do no good but harm

28-01-10, 02:50
I agree with looking4answers, it's not that everything is a sign, it's that you are making everything a sign.

28-01-10, 03:26
I swear, I am about to the point where I am swearing off TV, magazines and the like. Seems to be only bad things for a person who is suffering from Health Anxiety.

28-01-10, 03:36
heres my case late night,, i was fearig HIV then turning on HBO,,, PHILADELPHIA was running,,,,

28-01-10, 10:02
Thank God this doesn't just happen to me

You seem very similiar to me with what I fear and that all these things are a sign !!

I remember throwing a newspaper away because I had Leukemia in my mind one day, I read the paper on the train in the way into work, and what was on page 5 ? "LEUKEMIA RISING IN THE UK". I threw it away on the carriage.

It happens all the time with me.

Not just with HA right enough. Just in general. If I think about it, it'll be there in some form.

28-01-10, 11:44
Lookingforanswers, I did not expect you to apologise. You are entitled to your opinion. But I don't think it's just all about people complicating life and the truth. There definitely is something called COINCIDENCE and some experiences fall into this category. We've all had coincidences. Is it not simpler just to put some things down to this than to turn it into War and Peace!! It's simple, just don't put too much importance on things and look at them as coincidences - no stress!! (as opposed to "signs").

Neesh X
28-01-10, 13:37
Hi Mikhail,
I have found this too, but i dont see them as signs as also found this when i tried to stop smoking everyone around me, on tv, in mags seemed all to be about smoking. I think when somethings playing on your mind you just notice and dwell on it more.

28-01-10, 20:40
Hi Mikhail,
I have found this too, but i dont see them as signs as also found this when i tried to stop smoking everyone around me, on tv, in mags seemed all to be about smoking. I think when somethings playing on your mind you just notice and dwell on it more.


i agree on you on this definitely i am just super-aware of my case thats why im hyper sensitive on everything

19-03-10, 20:20
Women's magazines are the worst, their medical or health sections are anything but helpful most times.

i work for woman's magazine and it does get you down when you have to work on depressing stories day after day.

19-03-10, 20:21
Doeas anyone feels like evrythng you do keeps showing a sign of concern towards what you feel regarding HA? from the internet,TV and reading materials i kept on stumbling upon issue which is directly related to my fear

hence it adds more fuel to my fire:weep:

health anixety goes hand in hand with superstition. i am the same sometimes.