View Full Version : Ectopic Heartbeat

27-01-10, 23:08
I have had ectopic heartbeats for over three years now, and suffered from panic attacks for more years than I care to remember, I take Atenelol 25mg every other day for Blood pressure, which I am sure I only have because I'm anxious most of the time.
I started having my ectopic heartbeats badly on Monday, I felt all empty inside and on they went all day, my heart would beat normally then it would stop and start up again jumping about all over the place, I then started checking my pulse every 2 mins which made it worse, the panic set in the ectopics were coming fast and furious. This went on allday and night. I am scared to go to the Drs in case they say something is wrong. I had all the tests done three years ago and everything came back normal, but I worry things will have changed. On Tuesday it was still happening but I had decided because I hadnt died throughout the night i would be ok. This helped for a while but then the panic set it again. I was due to go to watch a football match with my family bur had got it into my head I would probably die at the match as my heart was going crazy. In the end I decided to go and not give in to this and let it beat me again. I survived the match but in the car on the way home it started again. Another night of no sleep and checking my pulse. Well its wednesday night now and im fed up with this. I have read some posts on here and have found them to be really helpful and have helped me greatly, so thank you very much. I havent checked my pulse now for over an hour so things are looking better, my heart is still having a flutter every now and again but Im still here, I just have to learn to keep calm and not focus on them because then I am fueling them with my panic (easier said than done). Thanks for reading xxxx

27-01-10, 23:21
I know exactly how you feel, as do many others here!! They are a bloomin nuisance, aren't they. I know what you mean when you say you had the empty feeling, I have that too. Although we are constantly told they are harmless they are one of the anxiety symptoms that don't go with acceptance. This is what amazes me. Normally when you stop being afraid of a symptom it disappears. Not these horrible wee things!! I get run of them for days/nights too. They usually stop eventually for a day or two. They bamboozle me at times, but we are all alive and kicking so that must mean something. I feel for you and know how you feel but we just have to accept them while they are there.