View Full Version : Scared

28-01-10, 04:22
Hi, in mid November I started getting what I thought were palpitations but I've had an ECG and that appears fine then. Since then I've been getting progressively worse, symptoms including palpitations/spasms I'm unsure if they are arterial or muscular, I am in a constant state of fatigue, feeling dizzy and light headed and unable to concentrate on anything. I keep getting these spasms at seeminly random locations and some joints are aching. I haven't really been able to get out the house and walk anywhere the last 6 weeks and can only get around by taxi. It seems after I eat or even drink water my symptoms get much worse. I also have almost constant burping/hiccuping and am also getting some slight pains in abdominal area. I'm also getting strange tastes in my mouth and often my mouth is dry no matter how much water I drink. I'm now in a state where I'm convinced I'm about to die and it's a fight getting through each day not knowing how much longer I have left. I'm only 27 and really don't want to die. I have been to the doctor and A&E a few times but they've done the basic blood tests and everything shows as fine and I can't get them to investigate it further as they seem to think I am making all the symptoms up. I fear time is running out and I have some condition that will be terminal if it's not sorted soon, for example cancer or even a hole in my digestive system allowing toxins to escape from what I eat/drink or even a degenerative nervous system disease. I really don't seem to have any options now though.

28-01-10, 04:34
i had this one too,,,, its just a matter in beleiving in yourself and redirecting your worries

28-01-10, 05:21
This really really does sound like my symptoms a few years ago and predominantly they are anxiety which causes acid to be released and it hurts and seems to creat all sorts of other problems like bloating, palpitations etc.. Read all the stuff on this site and you will see everything you describe is covered by the umbrella of anxiety.

It sounds like you are being checked out properly so you just need to believe that the symptoms really are anxiety and they will start to ease off slowly... Easier said than done - I'm back having that problem again myself!

Good luck!

29-01-10, 00:59
OK, the main concern here is that it's getting progressively worse with time and I can't get any doctors (GP or A&E) to take me seriously. From the research I've done it could be:

ALS (motor neurone disease) due to the muscle twitches I keep getting and also the fact that some of my muscles seem weak and I can no longer carry heavy bages.

MS (multiple sclerosis) For the same reasons stated above although I haven't had any remissions yet.

Stomach cancer: The constant burping/hiccuping most notably after I eat or drink anything and also the fact that after I do eat or drink I feel very tired.

Pancreatic cancer: I've lost some weight for no reason.

Brain tumor: Would possibly explain inability to concentrate.

Stomach/Bowel perforation: The fact that I get very tired a while after eating anything suggests that toxins from food could be escaping and this would explain the inability to concentrate and brain fog I have.

Systemic Candidiasis: Would explain the progressive nature and the excess wind I keep getting and burping/hiccuping but like all the others above this can be fatal.

I'm not having any luck with any of the doctors I have seen as I said, it frustrates me, do they expect me to be almost dead before they will start taking me seriously then?

29-01-10, 08:29
Hello Craig,

I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Your symptoms sound like symptoms suffered by many here, including me. Has your doctor never given you anything for stomach acid? The sore stomach, strange taste all points to excess stomach acid and is so common. Also aggravated by anxiety! One simple antacid each day can help with this. Please ask about this. The other symptoms all sound like you are anxious and if you read the columns on the left of the page it will explain it all simply and perfectly!! You don't sound as though you have a lift threatening illness you sound like someone who is suffering from panic and anxiety and this can be controlled. Don't despair. You are not alone. You can learn to live with these feelings. Please read all the information on the left and it will comfort and reassure you.

29-01-10, 09:08
OK, the main concern here is that it's getting progressively worse with time and I can't get any doctors (GP or A&E) to take me seriously. From the research I've done it could be:

ALS (motor neurone disease) due to the muscle twitches I keep getting and also the fact that some of my muscles seem weak and I can no longer carry heavy bages.

MS (multiple sclerosis) For the same reasons stated above although I haven't had any remissions yet.

Stomach cancer: The constant burping/hiccuping most notably after I eat or drink anything and also the fact that after I do eat or drink I feel very tired.

Pancreatic cancer: I've lost some weight for no reason.

Brain tumor: Would possibly explain inability to concentrate.

Stomach/Bowel perforation: The fact that I get very tired a while after eating anything suggests that toxins from food could be escaping and this would explain the inability to concentrate and brain fog I have.

Systemic Candidiasis: Would explain the progressive nature and the excess wind I keep getting and burping/hiccuping but like all the others above this can be fatal.

I'm not having any luck with any of the doctors I have seen as I said, it frustrates me, do they expect me to be almost dead before they will start taking me seriously then?

Oh no i,m scared now i also get very tired after eating :weep:

04-02-10, 08:07
Things are continuing to get worse, I'm now getting this strange pulsing feeling at a random location every few minutes and I'm getting the occasional spasm in my legs. I really fear this is it now.

04-02-10, 08:16
Hey Craig

Sorry you are feeling so rubbish at the moment, you sound like you are really suffering. :flowers:

I do think its Health Amxiety, look at the amount of conditions you posted about. Also consider that you are 27 years old, and low risk for alot of things.

Of course its getting worse, its getting worse because you are focusing on every single feeling/sensation in your body.
You are not qualified to make assumptions about any illness you think you may have and neither is evil Dr Google!! (believe me I have diagnosed myself with some cracking conditions :-) )

re evaluate what you are eating, try some distraction methods, if the stomach thing is bugging you, then get to the doctors and sort it out. As said before, its so common, I have heartburn every morning, and am at the moment looking at what foods I eat and when to see if that has an impact on how I feel. Start a food diary.
Some foods sit heavy on the tummy and you do feel sleepy, are you eating large portions?
Also - I can pretty much give myself a symptom if I have read about it on the internet. Google is a dangerous thing for us bods that worry about our health.

Do you work, or have an outlet that may be able to help you? Are you having your anxiety treated?

Lots of love and hugs to you

04-02-10, 08:40
Craig, I too have had symptoms like yours, and the more you think of them the worse they get, honestly. I have muscle twitches and I too was convinced it must be motor neurone disease and that there was no hope - I was an idiot and googled - NEVER DO THIS!! I did manage to get a sympathetic doctor and was tested, and of course it was ok. The muscle twitches still happen and are really irritating, but there is no sinister cause. I don't say it's plain sailing trying to get through it all - I posted only yesterday about a tremor I get in my face and head - it's hard to get out of the habit of panic. I have had so many skipped heart beats that have terrified me - I had one night when it was so bad I just thought, I don't care any more if it kills me - but here I still am, 48, and this has been happening to various degrees since I was about 20, with what I now know to be panic attacks before that. You really are not on your own, and there are so many on this site who will relate to what you say. I also found Claire Weekes' "Self Help for your Nerves" so helpful. Hang in there, and believe you are feeling just like so many others of us do, and there really is light at the end! Thinking of you

07-02-10, 05:07

Your symptoms are very real- I know this all too well, the tummy aches, the arm aches, leg cramps etc. I don't think you're making them up at all and I suggest that you find a doctor that is empathetic towards what you're going through right now.

I do think fixating on one symptom leads to other obsessions about what we are feeling, how we are seeing, hearing- all of it! It's a viscious cycle. If you can please, please stop googling ( I googled once and SWORE I had the Flesh Eating Bacteria) which obviously I didn't! Google is not a doctor by any stretch...and it always gives worst case scenarios.

Acceptance of anxiety is key here- it will help you trust your doctors and you will soon be able to recognize that the symptoms are anxiety- which in turn one day will help you trust in yourself. Best of luck!

07-02-10, 05:27
ACID REFLUX!! I have exact same symptoms...Its reflux that is of course made worse with anxiety...I feel like ive been through hell these last couple of months..It ruined my xmas, not knowing what was wrong with me...terrified it was my heart that wa smaking me feel dizzy and lightheaded and made me feel those awful palps, flutters in my chest..Now it all makes sense...please dont worry too much...Your heart is fine..It took me 4 ECGS, A 24hr tape and five doctors opinions for me to finally accept tht my heart was ok...i know how hard it is but I bet you are perfectly fine.