View Full Version : Feeling Guilty

28-01-10, 11:41
Im so tired of always feeling guilty. I feel guilty about absolutely everything, every little mistake i make in my life. I always feel like throughout my life ive done more harm than good and it really affects my decisions and how i view the future. I want to stop feeling guilty but then i keep telling myself that i deserve to feel guilty and i shouldn't be happy. It just makes me not want to leave the house and isolate myself. I'm always worrying about how my decisions have affected people in my life and I always think of worse case scenarios. Does anyone have any advice?

28-01-10, 17:24
I'd say that if you are always feeling like this then you are obviously very low. Have you spoken to your doctor and told them how you feel? It's easy to get into a pattern of negative thinking and I think that's what you've done. But you can break the cycle. Your self esteem seems low and that's why you are analyzing everything - lots of us have been there!! You are not alone. You are an important person in your own right and have the right to your own opinions and decisions - never forget that. I'd try and get out and about and keep myself occupied. Don't shut yourself away. This will only make you feel worse. Occupation lifts the mind. Speak to your doctor though if you are finding it difficult. They are also there to help.