View Full Version : breathless please talk to me

28-01-10, 12:26
feel very breathless today have got a bit of a sore throat when woke up and do feel a bit stressed but i do get tight chested when anxious but feel more anxious about it today so feel worse anyone else get this also keep feeling v off balance and light headed yesturday

28-01-10, 12:36
Anxiety can make us feel breathless, but reassure yourself that you will ALWAYS get enough breath. Is there a chance you may be in for a cold? Sometimes I often start with a sore throat. I'd take a couple of paracetamol for my throat and take it easy.

28-01-10, 12:48
think your right i am coming down with a cold achey to,but i wish i didnt panic so much it just makes it feel tighter any ideas what i can think to stop myself worrying out of control over something i have felt before i got to go to work in a bit and now feel stressy about that

28-01-10, 13:55
Hiyer Julia ! I always feel really breathless on the two days before a cold really sets in, I know exactly what does it, well three things really......

1. Mucous membranes in nose and sinuses start swelling and it feels like you can't get enough 'air' in when you are active.

2. Also, when you have a sore throat, even though you don't realise you are doing it, you start breathing in a slightly different way...often in a more shallow way as you are trying to avoid pain in the throat.

3. Thirdly, any virus leaves you tired and run down, hence feeling generally crummy as your immune system fights it.