View Full Version : Help please,I think my dad has lung cancer

28-01-10, 15:12
What else is a PET scan for? I jsut know that it's for tumours..And something showed up on my dad's xray before christmas..and it was only recently they called him back to give him a ct scan and an mri scan...they took loads of bloo dtests and the results of stuff is tomorrow but he has to go for a PET scan at a building in another hospital that part ofit is called cancer! I AM FREAKING THE F**K OUT! :'( :weep:

I looked at cancerresearch and my dad has loads of the symptoms..

and it is hard cos he has asthma and emphysema too..

I am ill. He has to get a scan of his whole body and I heard it is radioactive and all sorts :(

Someone help please. thankyou.i need suport

Carly Lou
28-01-10, 15:37
Hey wee mee xxxxxx
calm, take a deep breath........... and relax xxxx
if it was something serious they would have called back way before... thats seem bizarre something was seen and they didnt bother to get in contact til what 4 weeks later ????
No googling..... thats band for us on nmp lol.............. i looked up cancerresearch for some symptoms i have and according to them i have a brain tumour !!!!!
it could be absoloutly anything they saw, and that does not mean he could have "c"
PET can is very similar to a CT scan i believe, where they can see more indept than on a x ray xxxxxxx
please stay calm, lots of hugs and kisses from me xxxxx
i just think that if it is something serious they would have been in contact so much sooner xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-01-10, 16:52
i had a pet scan absoutely nothing 2 worry about very little radiation used and there very safe

28-01-10, 17:05
I feel for your dad having asthma and emphysema. It can't be easy for him at times. They are giving him all the tests that are available and that's a good thing that he is getting well looked after. Anything found can be treated as soon as possible. Remember that it doesn't always have to be the worst case scenario. The pet scanner might only be available in that other hospital. Whatever the outcome your dad's health comes first and he will be able to get treatment immediately if he needs it. It's hard not to worry about them, we'd all be the same, but there's as much of a chance it could be something more simple to treat. They're probably erring on the side of caution because he has lung problems. I hope your dad gets on okay. Please let us know.

28-01-10, 23:55
I don't understand why when my dad was taken into hospital before Christmas(the 9th to be exact) that he got elt out the next day and then it was only recently they said something showed on the xray that wasn't there last year and they wanted to give him a ct scan and mri.. and then the letter went onto say it could be nothing and could be related to a recent infection and at the moment there was nothing to worry about and then they sent nurses out for more blood tests and now a letter for this PET scan this Monday after results tomorrow..it seems to be going all fast now and I am terrified..if it is cancer lung cancer is awful..any cancer is but it's a horrible prognosis. I dunno what to do..all it says is a PET scan of his whole body.

I dunno what to do. Why leave it and now all of sudden do all these things? :'(

29-01-10, 00:58
I really sorry to hear this is freaking you out, they are prolably making further tests as it could be something to do with the asthma or the emphysema rather than something like cancer. I'm sure if they felt there was a tumor they would be doing a biopsy rather quickly so its more likely to be associated with the problems he already has.
The good thing is they are doing all the tihings they can to see that he is alright and im sure it will be good new for you so
fingers crossed XXXX

Let us know how he gets on.:)
Take Care

29-01-10, 08:41

My dad had a pet scan last week. It was a scan of whole body and they inject him with radioactive dye and we couldnt touch him for 8 hours after!! however we were assured its only a small amount and nothing to worry about.

The scan shows how the cells and organs are working in the body.

It doesnt mean he has cancer but i understand how you can be worried.

love mandie x