View Full Version : Hi, I'm new, with Health Anxiety like you've never experienced...

28-01-10, 15:22
Hello All:
My name is John, from the U.S. I'm 40 and have been suffering from OCD and Hypochondriasis since I was a teenager. Cancer is my biggest fear, but other diseases, such as ALS and MS, frequently pry themselves into my mind. I've had almost every diagnostic test imaginable, have been prescribed almost every depression and anxiety medication imaginable, and have participated in both CBT and psychodynamic therapy.

I have much to tell you, and much to learn from you all.

I stumbled upon your site while investigating my latest symptom: chin tingling, which I fear is from cancer metastisizing from my organs and impinging upon the the inferior alveolar nerve and its branches.

It never ends...


28-01-10, 15:23
Hi JohnnyLamb

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-01-10, 04:09
Hello there

Welcome to NMP! theres lots of helpful information here.

Its really good to have you with us!

You will have lots of love and support here!! welcome. :hugs:

29-01-10, 05:17
Hi, John,
I just went through my latest fear of ALS. Today I had an EMG which showed my muscles to have no fibrillations or anything which would indicate ALS. I had chin twitches last week. As evidenced by the EMG, it wasn't ALS. All the fear, tears and panic attacks were for nothing. Thank God!

I think most of us with Health Anxiety have imagined every fatal disease in the book. You are not alone!

Please read the information about Health Anxiety on the left side of this page. It's very helpful.

29-01-10, 09:49
Hello John,
You will get lots of comfort and support here. There are many people who have suffered from the same symptoms as you and will make you feel that you are not alone.

29-01-10, 20:23
Thank you all for the welcome.
I went to my urologist today and rested fears related to a "man-symptom" that need not be discussed in this forum.
Unfortunately, I'm now fully focused upon the "crawling ants" sensation on my lips and nose. I know in my heart of hearts that this sensation is stress-related and/or associated to the horrendous TMJ that I've had since 1986. Too bad that I read about how numb-chin syndrome can be an indicator of metasticizing cancer.

Quick ALS rule of thumb...
Fasciculations on an "unflexed" or inactive muscle are usually not a sign of ALS. Second, fasciculations without wasting and loss of strength are not a sign of ALS.

29-01-10, 23:37
Hi Johnny,

Well you are in the right place, there any many of us here that suffer with HA and drive ourselves insane.

You sound very knowledgeable about certain diseases - does that mean that you have been googling till your hearts content and learning all this stuff. Honestly I used to google all the time and it is no good for HA sufferers. If that is what you have been doing you have to tell youself you will not google no matter how bad you feel. Instead come into chat and talk to us and get help and encouragement that way. It is much better, believe me, because I have been there, done that.

Take care and look forward to chatting.
Natalie x

30-01-10, 18:54
I wish I could wave a magic wand and undo my 15 years of symptom surfing. Erasing my mind would be great...

You're absolutely right, and I look forward to corresponding with you folks rather than visiting Dr. Google.


30-01-10, 18:59
Hi johnny, you will get lots of great support on here. xx