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why me
28-01-10, 20:15
hi hope some one can give me some advise ive been taking citalopram for a few years and im trying to stop them ive gone from 20mg to 10mg and the side affects are kicking in. i feel like im on a different planet all dazed and dizzy shakey and tearful its weird because it comes and goes through the day one minute i feel ok the next i feel all dazed again do the symptoms get easier??
its hard to tell the doctor as he has never been through it

28-01-10, 20:17
Hi there

That's completely normal when cutting down these meds, Been there and done that so many times hun.

It's certainly not pleasant.
Hope you feel better soon

28-01-10, 20:25
Hi Why me

I know exactly what you are going through I was without meds for a bit and it does mess you up.. and just to make you smile I'm now back on them arghh so going through it allllllllllllll again...doh.

I'm trying to not concentrate on the sensations but keep myself occupied with other things if I come over a bit dizzy I hate that feeling think that is one of the worse feelings so if it takes hold I go and just lay down for a few minutes as it makes me feel nauseous.

Glad to hear that you are coming off that in itself must mean a success story.. be strong and just remind yourself it is the meds coming out of the system and that you are fine x

why me
28-01-10, 20:32
thanx for your advise when you have depression you always think your the only person suffering and its suprising how many people are going through the same
i did expect some side affects as i have been on them about 5 years thats up and down with my dosage.
it gets me annoyed sometimes as i have nothing to be down for i have a 6 year old daughter im only 25 life is ok.
so will these side effects go? im going back to the doctors tommorow to speak to him i would stay on them its just my docotor said that i shouldnt stay on a high dose of 20mg and try 10mg so i have and i feel really ill at the moment it has only beennearly a week.. early days i suppose?
has anyone else been on then as long as me? xxx

28-01-10, 20:38
Mine did first of all I was shaking, very emotional and the vivid dreams came back with a vengence, I would have days where I felt just weird almost light headed and dizziness would whoosh over making me feel nauseous but yes can honestly say that I started to feel a bit like my normal self only to go back on them ... lol life is there to test us for sure ...

It is okay to feel annoyed, guess to a degree we must all at sometime or another get annoyed with our illness but you are doing great... ((hugs))

Kat M.
29-01-10, 10:40
Hi Why me!

How was your doctor's appointment? What did he suggest?

I would approach it this way. If you have your old 20mg tablets left, I would take a great care in splitting each tablet into 4 pieces. Then every time I take my new 10mg, I will take this small extra bit.

So, you are going gradually down. From 20 mg, I will go 15mg for 4 days or more and see, then 12.5mg (split the next pill in 8 bits). The key point is to SLOWLY bring your dose down.

2.5 mg extra, even 1mg extra, will have a significant effect your you.

You also said that your symptoms come and go during the day on 10mg. Is it any pattern to these ups and downs?


why me
29-01-10, 16:17
hi thanx for the support..

i went back to the doctors today and he said try and give it a couple more weeks as it has only been a week, and that i will get some side effects if i dont see an improvement to go back and will have to go back to 2omg but the only problem like you say is it dont come in 15 so i will have to cut 1 in half thats what he suggested but i dont feel as bad as i did yesterday im going to try and fight it staying o 10mg doesnt bother me as its very low but being on 20 is just making me sleepy and tooo laid back so my partner says hahaaha has anyone got over the side effects??
i feel like im going on and on now this is my problem i dont tell people anythin i hide it away even to my partner i dont like pressuring people :huh:

29-01-10, 16:38
I can understand why you don't like telling people about your problems, I am exactly the same, you don't like to bother others as you don't think it's 'worthy' , you feel as though you're burdening people with your troubles - is this like how you feel? Remember, the people that really care won't mind you talking about things over and over, it helps to go over things that are playing on your mind. Take care :)

why me
30-01-10, 09:21
yes thats my problem but i suppose its not always the good way to hold things in. hopefully i can fight it this time has anybody on here actually got off them and stayed off them?