View Full Version : worried bout calf pain

anx mum
28-01-10, 22:29
Out of my mind with worry in so muh pain and getting nowhere:weep:. Been 2 specialist today he seemed 2 think its a vascular problem asked me 2 go y gp and ask for further investgations. So went 2 doc and saw a doc i never seen before he said i think u torn a muscle. Felt like he wasent listening 2 me. Think im gonna have 2 go private and get this sorted goin round in circles.

28-01-10, 22:46
The specialist should write to your GP outlining the tests they did the results and their thoughts for further investigation; that is the correct procedure, as it was the GP who originally referred you. Did the specialist say they were going to write ?

Go back to the original doctor who referred you, ask if he has recieved feedback from the consultant and explain that he has advised 'further investigations'. POSSIBLE Vascular problems they may be referring to are thickening and hardening of arteries/circulation problems, with a variety of causes and common in the lower legs, and they can be tested for by doing a doppler scan (I once took someone for one of these scans).

28-01-10, 22:56
Did you have a cholesterol ,blood test Bev ? That would tell if you had clogged up arteries ...Sue xx

28-01-10, 22:57
I don't think they are going to find anything to be honest. I still truely believe it is HA related.

You must take on board all the advice and tips we have given you and put them into action.

Have you tried the heat pad and paracetamol and exercise etc?

It is consuming your life at the moment and you need to forget it and work on arranging that wedding.

It will go in time trust me - just be patient.

28-01-10, 23:41

I agree with Nic, I think its all anxiety related.

While you are so stressed and tense these pains are gonna stay with you.

I suffer with HA also, not as bad as you, but i do understand what you are going through

Have you ever done yoga? Some gentle exercise and relaxtion would probably help you.

love mandie :hugs: