View Full Version : being on your own - irrational thoughts !

29-01-10, 12:11
Hello all , have had a few days off here since my bad ordeal at the weekend , i've actually been much more relaxed over the past few days , my symptoms have been on the hush , and if i got any i just ignored them , i even managed to go into town on wednesday by myself , i went to hobby craft and i went to boots :D i queued for a bus , i queued to pay , yes i was very uncomfortable but i did it , so thats good !
Now i'm back just because i would like everyones thoughts on something .

today i have been left alone and i'm quite nervous ! i've always hated being alone since i was little , i mean i don't want people constantly in my face , but just knowing someone was in the same building made me feel safe !

i just get these awful thoughts when i'm on my own , what if i die , no one will help me , if i have a heart attack no one will ring an ambulance in time and i will die , if i fall no one will find me etcetc

it seems pretty silly when i think about it rationally , as i can't expect to have someone with me all the time but i can't help the thoughts , i know distraction will probably be the best advice anyone can give , so i'm heading out now - at least if i 'die' it will be in public so i won't have to be on my own ! argh


29-01-10, 12:29

try your best to realise that there is nothing "real" as such about thoughts. When a scary thought arises don't add more fear by saying "OMG the thoughts are back" or "OMG what if this actually DOES happen!". Just say to yourself "This is a completely normal part of anxiety and if i practice staying aware of them enough they will lose their power and eventually disappear all together"

30-01-10, 19:07
if i have a heart attack no one will ring an ambulance in time and i will die , if i fall no one will find me etcetc

lol, that sounds like me, i work twleve hours on a night shift like tonight alone, so if anything did happen to me no one will know until morning.:blush:

30-01-10, 19:29
I might be living alone soon and keep getting irrational thoughts of what happen's if something bad happen's and no one will be around to help me. I won't too far away from family but I'm still anxious about living alone.

margaret jones
30-01-10, 20:41
Well done for all the positives in your post you are g8 at facing your fears .

About being alone and all the things you are scared of me to i now it is irrational but anxiety and Panic make us afraid Keep fighting like you are and you will get there , i find distraction helps or phoning a friend for a long chat helps

Take Care Margaret xxxxxx

31-01-10, 04:06
I'm the same way. I'm a lot less agoraphobic when I'm with someone!
It's when I'm alone, I just feel so unsafe and get anxious.

ju.ann 3o wow your so brave for moving out on your own!

31-01-10, 20:20
i get thoughts like that too somedays, more so if i am feeling my anxiety levels rising or when i am on my own and i start to think about the silliest of things and they just grow and grow and grow :unsure:, i try to think of a nice thought to make it go away but sometimes the bad stuff invades, i know it sounds daft but it helps me sometimes, to take my mind off things, i do wordsearch puzzles

31-01-10, 21:56
I'm usually okay on my own but the other morning, all my family went out early & by the time I woke up they'd all gone. They'd left me a note saying they wouldn't be long which was sweet but I got a teeny bit anxious with random thoughts going through my mind. Just mainly if I took ill whilst no one was here? Which threw me really cos I usually always loved it when I had the house to myself...
That's anxiety for you unfortunately :(