View Full Version : Lump inside bottom

29-01-10, 12:35
When I went to the loo this morning I felt kind of a lump just inside my bottom when I was wiping, its quite near the top of my bottom and feels kind of like one side kind of has a protrusion of some kind. I have felt this before I think, so think it could have been like this years, it doesnt hurt to touch. I havent really had to strain when going to the loo, so cant think that this could be piles, and if its been there years you dont have piles this long do you? However, when wiping I do get the occassional speck of bright red blood on loo paper but they are very small and only after Ive wiped a few times. Bit scared it could be cancer and that it would be very advanced by now if it has been liek this years!

29-01-10, 12:37
Sounds like piles to me:blush: I have had them on and off over the years - since having children! Dastardly things they are.

29-01-10, 12:40
You would be getting a lot more blood if it were cancer ...Get some Anusol cream it will reduce the swelling and is soothing ...It does sound like Piles ... Sue x

29-01-10, 12:48
Hi Louise

It could be piles or maybe a little cyst/abbcess - If i was you i would go see your GP and have it checked, if its a little cyst then antibiotices will soon clear it up. I ignored a lump i had for ages in the same place and i ended up in hosptial :ohmy:( my own fault though turned out to be a abbcess):ohmy: . One way or another piles or cyst your GP can offer something to help.:)


29-01-10, 12:50
Does it sound like I def need to go to docs, argh!! What will they do I assume they'l have to er have me kind of bend over and er feel that area, doesnt sound nice! Argh, going on a date tnight I really want to go well, ad now ive got myself in a panic!

29-01-10, 12:55
Hi Lousie

Well you could try the cream from the chemist see if that helps, if theres a little blood then could be piles. I wouldnt worry about going to docs though they are used to seeing people every day with problems like yours!:)
I have lost count how many times i have had my back side examined.lol :).

They just lay you on a bed and have a quick examine and you can request a lady doctor to do it. Over and done with in a matter of seconds and worth it for peace of mind.:)


29-01-10, 12:57
The lump doesnt feel solid or anything it feels kind of fleshy and can be kind of pressed in, if it was an abcess assuming would be more solid and would probs have pain, but it doesnt hurt to touch, which is actually a worry as know tourmour tend to be painless to touch dont they

29-01-10, 12:59
Nah it will be hemorrhoids, they can poke out of the anus and once you get them you you will always have them SORRY :(

Bright specks of blood is normal if you have been straining, RELAX its the dark blood (tar colour) you should worry about ;)

Takes 2 seconds for a Dr to have a look, quicker than a smear test no need to rush to the Dr though.

29-01-10, 19:57
Sounds like piles to me. I have some internal ones and some external ones.

They can inject them to reduce them as well - it doesn't hurt trust me.

29-01-10, 21:57
Piles or anal fissure. Anal fissures are fleshy as they are scar tissue from an injury - could be from straining! I have suffered and yes they are there for years. Pop to your doctor and get them to check, nothing to worry about at all x
p.s hope the date went well!

29-01-10, 23:00