View Full Version : doc upset me!!!!

29-01-10, 13:51
On tues id to see the doc to get my meds updated(she a new,my old docs retired) any how she asked why id missed my blood apoints twice+not seen the nurse for a while,iv rehuematiod athritis,and the drug im on can be dangerous if bloods arnt taken regular,so i told her each time id gone,had to go home having had bad panic attacks in the surgery,i get all worked up when going to the docs.I was going to ask her if i coud have councelling,for my anxiety+panics,but she didnt give me chance!!,saying this drug im on can kill me and thats why i must not miss blood apointments,she scared me to death,and she was very abrupt,her manor was awfull,she told me to stop using my nerves as an exuse,and if i dont keep the apointments up then no medication would be given me,i was so upset,i got up and came home crying my eyes out,its realy set me back that,i wasnt feeling good before,but feel dreadfull since,i realy didnt need her giong on at me like that,i didnt want sympathy,but did need a little help,which i didnt get, im now scared to ring and get couseling i want to have cbt,is it??,but its realy put me off going.:weep: i do want to get help,i need it,where do i go from here???.

29-01-10, 15:04
Are there any more doctors at the surgery? Could you go and see another doctor if there is?
It sounds like you do need to keep up your blood appointments, but they should really sort out being able to get the blood off you in the first place! Instead of threatening to stop your medication.
As for stop blaming it on your nerves.......wouldn't life be easy if we could!
Start by trying to get your bloods taken - if you have managed it before, what did you do to not panic that time? If you can manage to see a doctor, like you have just done, can the doctor take the bloods?
And finally - if there is another doctor, go and explain to them how you are feeling and see if they can refer you for councelling.

29-01-10, 15:15
She sounds terrible. I would definately try and see another Dr even if it only a male one is available.

I have one Dr I won't see at all. Last time I went she told me anxiety doesn't get better with medication and she doesn't prescribe anything for it other than counsellling. She made me fill in a depression scale form and it took me about 30 seconds as I fill them in regularly. While doing she left the room and went to make a cup of tea and stood cooing over a baby outside the door. She was gone 5 mins leaving me twiddling my thumbs with anxiety as I hate going to the Dr's. I won't see her now. If she's the only Dr available I just say I'll call back

29-01-10, 15:23
In defence of the doctor you saw Cat, she could have been more sympathetic but she is right, anxiety can't be cured with medication. I think if anything she deserves respect for not just shoving it at you and sending you off with it like a lot of doctors do.

29-01-10, 15:49
The thing is though you need medication in conjunction with counselling etc. My regular Dr said that the other Dr was in the wrong saying that as a lot of the time anxiety is a chemical imbalance in the brain like depression and that it can be helped a lot by medication.

29-01-10, 16:05
Hi Cat
Sorry to hear what you went through. I would have said something to her!
You can always make a complaint about her?
I don't blame you for now seeing another gp.
Anxiety in my experience and opinion is helped massively by anti anxiety medication - that is what it was designed for and used in conjunction with counselling it can really help.
Since I have been on citalopram it feels like I have been given my life back in many ways.
If you anxiety is so bad, that counselling alone won't help, then there is a place for anti anxiety/depressant medication and it helps many people to carry on.
I went to see my new german gp last night and he was amazing and was genuinly interested - the best gp I have ever seen. I booked a longer appt slot with him and got 20-30 mins (I think it was that) He has told me to keep on with the medication and have more counselling. Not all gps are as unhelpful as the gp you saw, thankfully.
I wrote down on a sheet of paper how I feel and he was happy to read it and at the end told me that it was a good idea! I told him I had wrote it because I get so tense in the gps surgery that I often forget what I want to say when I get in the room! I feel I can get my thoughts out better on paper sometimes than saying them out loud when I feel tense. I tend to go quiet then.
I am so sorry you had to go through what you did. I wish you better luck with your next gp that you see - don't let the one you saw put you off going for tests and appointments.
Hugs to you :hugs:
Could you do something like that?