View Full Version : Tingling, scared tumor or stoke?

Mackenzie Anne
27-12-05, 16:18
I think I have lymphoma due to the swollen lymph nodes in my throat that have been there since October during a bad flu/cold. Now I think it has mastisized and is now in my brian, thinking of brian tumors and or mini strokes.

I have tingling manly on the left side of my body all over muscle twitches and for the last three morning I have woke up with a tention type headache. I read once that Brian tumors present them selfs with headaches in the morning that get better after waking. Right now the left side of my cheek is tingling, yesterday it was my toung. This has been happening for over a year on and off but I am becoming very scared.

27-12-05, 16:24
Welcome Anna

And just for background information for us before we comment in any detail please .

There is lots here about what you think and what you imagine may have happened but how much of this have you shared with your doctors and what is their professional opinion ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Mackenzie Anne
27-12-05, 16:32
I have been here before, I registered a month or so ago but had to re-register, said I was not a memeber.

Anyway, I am a 29 year old female who was diagnosed with OCD, GAD about 3 1/2 years ago. I was put on Paxil, then Prozac, worked very well for me and my anxiety attacks. Went off of it a year later and then had to go back on Prozac last year due to my massive panic attackes after a fainting episod. This was due to a crash diet I was on but I convinced myself of Brain Tumors and strokes. Last year my doctor said the headaches, muscle twitches and tingles were caused by anxiety!

I went off the Prozac about 8 months ago and I am right back to where I started from. This time its the lymph nodes that are causing my concern as I am 100% sure I have some from of Lymphoma.

I did go to the ER room this past November with a bad ear infection, opposite ear as the lymph node swelling and the ER doctor said that I didn't have lymphoma, yet they are still there, 2 months later, have not increased in size they have gone down slightly but they are not gone.

Like I have said before on these sorts of forums I am not looking for a diagnoisis, I have to see a doctor for that but I am just looking for some sort of comfort that someone out there has had the same thing as me.

The tingling is bothering me, Im just scared

27-12-05, 22:08
Hi Anne,

Sorry to hear of your plight, I have suffered tingling down one side of my body. Especially the left side of my tongue, my left face, and my left arm. This also came with visual disturbance and was very very frightening. It has only happened a few times but has been linked with migraine in my case. I once thought I was having a stroke, especially when I was unable to speak. I knew what I wanted to say bur incomprehensible sounds came out of my mouth.

I also know that hyperventilating can cause tingling sensations although in my case this usually only affects my hands.

I hope this is of some help and reassurance to you, I am sure that any doctor who has seen you and checked you over would react imediately if they suspected tumours - please be reassured by that.

Good luck and take care

27-12-05, 23:16
Pins and Needles & Tingling (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1982)
I Hate It !!!!!!!!!!1 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5745)
pins and needles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6418)
numbness?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6456)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

celia davies
16-01-08, 11:43
i always have tingling in every part of my body hands,feet,tounge back ect,its horrible an it just comes on 4 no reason it really scares me my glands am always up i think its just because im always run dwn x

16-01-08, 14:20
whenever I am about to break out into a flat panic attack the first thing that comes on is the tingeling, then my left eye goes dodgy and I get a pressure sensation in my head...it took me a very long time to aknowledge that this was just caused by my anxiety but since I have I can almost control it!

If you are worried about your throat maybe go back to the docs but I doubt you have a stroke it would be a deteriorating condition as well as the brain tumour it's all degererative so if you feel it is getting noticaly worse then go to the docs otherwise if you feel it comes and goes and is possibly staying the same I am thinking Anx.

Get a chillout CD, relax, read a book, busy your mind...these are the things that help me. And I also get the tingeling in my tounge which feels really odd hehe.

Hope you feel better soon.
Take care,

01-05-08, 21:48
hi i have these symptoms some times, the worst was when part my left side went numb, my arm and half my face and strangly half my tongue, i panicked as u do and rung an ambulance and by the time they had got there it was going and i found out it was a migraine, you may have the same thing but if u r worried go to the doctors to reassure your self.