View Full Version : feeling ill after eating sweet food

29-01-10, 14:51
I've been on a diet where I have been eating healthy foods and cutting out most of the sugars etc.
Today I thought I would have a small tub of jelly after lunch
within about half an hour I felt ill with palpitations and indigestion and slight headache
Does anybody else get this?

I have been tested for diabetes in the last 6 months and all was ok


29-01-10, 15:07
Hi Brandy,

I get this when I eat sugary things like chocolate and sweets. I had a particularly nasty time with a bag of Haribo recently. A jump in blood sugar can really affect mood and the crash afterwards can make you feel sick and awful. I think this is quite common - there is a thread going about caffeine at the moment too.

What works for me is to try to keep it cut down and have treats with more natural sugars in them like fruit or unsweetened yoghurt with a bit of honey and some chopped nuts (I know a bit boring but there it is) rather than processed sugars. Raisins are also good for a snack.

Hope you feel better. HP :)

29-01-10, 15:09
I'm exactly the same after sweets and chocolate. I gave it up 2 weeks ago as I started a healthy eating plan. I'm scared to eat chocolate again now incase I get the terrible nausea, racing heart etc

29-01-10, 15:59
Thank you so much for your replies
I was worried I had diabetes or something even though I had a check a while ago
Time to stay off the sugary products I think

Brandy xx