View Full Version : Dizziness, Vertigo, headaches!

29-01-10, 15:46

I've been getting quite severe episodes of dizziness for the past few days, I kind of feel like I'm on a boat on very choppy waters, and that's when I walk, sit down, whatever. I also feel unsteady if I stand still, I sway slightly. I have been quite anxious in the last couple of weeks, so I know anxiety can be attributed to these symptoms, but like everyone else on here I worry that it could be something else.

My headaches are fairly mild, more pressure than anything. I don't seem to have them in the morning, but throughout the day they progress. I have an eye test booked for Monday as I haven't had one done in years. My headache doesn't seem to be in just one section, it seems to be all over but at different times some parts of my head are worse than others. It's tender to touch. I know you guys aren't doctors, but what do you reckon it is? Classic anxiety or something more sinister? Such as a Brain Tumor or Clot? (Dramatic, I know)

Has anyone ever had these suspisions and went to the doctor about them? What did he/she say to put you mind at ease?

Thanks everyone:hugs:


29-01-10, 20:27
Your eyetest on Monday will allay alot of your fears - did you know most brain tumours are picked up at eye tests - in that they can tell if there is any pressure inside your head and refer you on for more tests so a clear eye test is of huge value health wise.
Did you know that tension in your neck muscles can make you very dizzy, unsteady and the walking on bouncy castle feeling as I describe it. Hence anxiety can make you dizzy etc.
I would say that if your eye test is fine but you still feel as bad afterwards then by al means get checked out at GP but most cases of dizziness unsteadiness are either ear related or due to tension.
I have had your symptoms on and off for over 20 years due to a mixture of damage to my neck from arthritis and slipped disc and muscle tension from my constant panic about health!

29-01-10, 23:05
I agree with countrygirl. See my recent posts of dizziness for which I've had recent medical consultation and diagnosis.

I would suggest you definitely have a check up on the tender head pain and then, as I've written in earlier posts, perhaps see a cranial osteopath . The one I know has told me that so many people with anxiety present with these sypmptoms because they are gritting their teeth at night and straining neck muscles without even realising.

Very best and be well soon.
