View Full Version : can we make ourselves have symptoms

29-01-10, 20:02
hi as anyone found that when they are obsessing about a certain illness they develope all the symptoms i get so angry with myself that i cant be rational yet can rationalise other peoples fears why cant i do that with my own .

29-01-10, 20:23
Coz u just keep thinking and thinking over that illness,, about 2 weeks ago i was obssesing with one on which i thinked or thinking i have a sore throat to my surprise my throat was somewhat itchy,, panically went to my GP to check if it was viral or not the doc says im perfectly fine no swollen nodes or whatever my findings GLOBUS HYSTERICUS

29-01-10, 20:42
Funny you mentioned itchy throat, mikhail. Since I got rid of my ALS anxiety, of course something else had to pop up. I changed meds from the generic to the brand name for Synthroid. All day I've been having an itchy throat. Add to that itchy face and dry lips. Amazing how when I was harvesting crops on Farmville, I didn't notice it.

Distraction is our best friend!

29-01-10, 23:23
Funny you mentioned itchy throat, mikhail. Since I got rid of my ALS anxiety, of course something else had to pop up. I changed meds from the generic to the brand name for Synthroid. All day I've been having an itchy throat. Add to that itchy face and dry lips. Amazing how when I was harvesting crops on Farmville, I didn't notice it.

Distraction is our best friend!

Were totally in a same boat here,,, when i was playing the night with my band i didnt even noticed that my throat was itching

30-01-10, 12:57
The brain is a powerful thing.

30-01-10, 13:12
My brain was SO good at this i.e. creating illness out of twinges, that when I was 19 years old I paralysed the left hand side of my body. I could not move it, though there was nothing physically wrong with it at all, but I could not get up or walk or use it at all for a few days. Seriously, I lay there waiting to die and feeling that I was drifting in and out of consciousness. As it happens, 20 + years later I'm here fine !

30-01-10, 18:50
I believe a lot of my symptoms are probably created from me. If I see or hear about an illness on the tv or where ever, give me a few days and I'll have almost every symptom. Lately it's brain tumours and clots, i've even cried so many times reading about illnesses and saying to myself (and anyone else who will listen) this is what I have, Im sure of it, oh life is shit, blah blah blah. The mind is a powerful thing. But a gift and a curse!

30-01-10, 21:38
Story of my life! There's never been a time where my little brain didn't create all the symptoms I was most worried about. A couple of month ago when I was on my spinal cord tumor bout low and behold, my feet started to tingle, then my hands, then the left side of my entire body, then came the numbness in my fingers, a patch above my left knee which STAYED numb, the twitches, the soreness of my cervical cord area. I had every single one! well time passed and now they're totally gone. Now I'm convinced I have Leukemia so again, I have many of the symptoms.
It's such a drag!