View Full Version : Update from GP, helicobacter results

29-01-10, 21:06
I tested positive on the blood test for helicobacter. I had been having lots of acid and stomach pains so GP suggested the test. When I was told it was positive I was suprised as id had a week or so without any pains. My GP then said they do a breath test to see if it is actually active. That today came back positive too.

I then had to see the GP, not my usual GP but he said that it was fine to leave untreated, even though my usual GP had said that he would treat it if the breath test was positive. I am confused but the GP said as my pains are not daily and mostly low down in the abdomen which he says is more like IBS (he said helicobacter would not cause bowel pain or low down wind) then it can be left. He said most people just live with it.

Anyone had an experience of helicobacter? I know he is a GP and I should trust him, but it seems the 2 of them are telling me different things.:blush:

29-01-10, 21:17
hi jessica....if you have tested positive for helicobacter then you should have been pescribed antibiotics to clear up the infection...i had 2 different kinds of antibiotics to take at the same time and was also pescribed omeprozole......if the test is showing positive then i cant understand why the doctor isnt treating it as it can be cured with a 2 week course of antibiotics......xxx

29-01-10, 21:21
I have no idea, he just said it can be left untreated if it isn't causing a constant burning pain.

How did you feel when you had it?

Desprate Dan
29-01-10, 21:27
I also had helicobacter and was perscribed to lots of antibiotics, my symptoms were a pain under my right ribs and lots of acid indegestion, aparantly about 1 in 3 of us have it without any symptoms..


29-01-10, 21:28
I suffered really badly from acid reflux and also nausea after meals....but not all the time...it would come and go it wasnt a constant pain.....it sometimes lasted a few hours to at its worse a few days.....
I know some people can have this bacterium and live symptom free...it doesnt bother them at all......in other people it causes problems and symptoms that needed to be treated....xxx

29-01-10, 21:29
Yes GP said it was fine to leave as it was not that troublesome for me???

29-01-10, 21:41
We should all try and trust what the doctor says...if he says you dont need treatment then he is most probably right.....all i can suggest is if your symptoms do become troublesome to you then maybe it would be worth seeing him again...it can be quite confusing when different people say different things dont be alarmed by it im sure what he is saying is right.....:)

29-01-10, 22:07
I a ma little worried now though that he is wrong. I did a google and all that i have read says it needs treating:-(

29-01-10, 23:08
aarghhh the dreaded google!!!!Im no expert on this im only speaking from my own experience ....if your doctor doesnt think your symptoms are caused by the helicobacter and it is an ibs problem then he is probably right in what he is saying....maybe it would be an idea to see your regular gp who was willing to treat it...just to put your mind at ease again this bacterium can live in the stomach and not cause you any problems....i wouldnt worry too much.. x

30-01-10, 01:01
Thank you Clair.

I guess I am just concerned as i have tested positive on 2 tests now and my own GP said the breath test indicated an 'active' infection. Surely that requires treatment:(

30-01-10, 12:39
Most of my pains/wind is very low down on the left or right side, very low in the intestine area/bowel. I also get wind up my bottom alot that can hurt. GP says that's IBS and that helicobacter only causes the acid and reflux pains.

I guess I have to accept the lower pains are just IBS related, but I never had them before so often.

30-01-10, 14:15
Hi Jessica

I can understand how confused you must be at this time:shrug:

When i had it i was given two lots of antibiotics that i had to take together, and i can honestly say they wiped me out i felt so very poorly, which my gp had warned me that it might happen, as its quite a powerful dose you have to take.

So i'm wondering if the gp you saw has weighed up the pro's and cons as well as thinking its IBS...just a thought!


30-01-10, 20:24
Thanks Trish.

I am just very confused, everything I have read is saying it needs treatment or it can lead to a peptic ulcer, which if left can be serious. I am worried now that you only display symptoms of helicobacter once you actually have an ulcer? I read that 80% of people who have helicobacter don't actually have symptoms, hmmm.