View Full Version : Ectopics....palpatations.....I've had enough of them

29-01-10, 23:31
After a week of really bad ectopics and convincing myself I was going to die I plucked up the courage to go to the Doctors. Im tired with it now, five days with no sleep is having an effect on me. I went this morning explained to the Dr my symptons, he listened to heart and checked my pulse and said everything was ok but that he would send me for an ECG to put my mind at rest. I asked if he thought that there was something wrong and that he didnt want to tell me, he again told me everything sounded fine and that it was for my piece of mind. Im still not sure if i believe him but like my husband said, if he had have thought anything was wrong he wouldnt have let me walk out of the surgery and make me wait a week for an ECG. Since going to the Drs i do feel slightly better but am now anxious about the ECG, just cant win.
Hope I sleep tonight, fingers crossed xx

29-01-10, 23:47
Can u describe ur ectopics? How often do u get them, like every few beats? All day?

Dont worry about the ECG, ive had tons of them. If the doc has checked ur pulse & listened to ur heart and is happy for you to go home, there really is no need to worry.

29-01-10, 23:58
my heart will beat normally, then BANG it starts. It feels like a missed beat then three or four really fast beats then back to normal again. I feel the flutter in my chest and i have got back into the bad habit of checking my pulse all of the time, the adrenalin kicks it and before i know it im in a viscious circle which can last for a couple of mins or days, weeks... I have had them for 3 years so you would think i would be use to them by now, but what comes first the thought of them which produces them or the heart missing a beat and me being aware of it, i just dont know.
I got really stressed today and quite upset, checked my pulse and didnt feel any 'blips' very strange

30-01-10, 00:06
I suffer from exactly the same thing. Had an exercise test this week and had them while running, and at rest. Nurse said that anything under 500 per day is considered normal.

30-01-10, 10:42
my heart will beat normally, then BANG it starts. It feels like a missed beat then three or four really fast beats then back to normal again. I feel the flutter in my chest and i have got back into the bad habit of checking my pulse all of the time, the adrenalin kicks it and before i know it im in a viscious circle which can last for a couple of mins or days, weeks... I have had them for 3 years so you would think i would be use to them by now, but what comes first the thought of them which produces them or the heart missing a beat and me being aware of it, i just dont know.
I got really stressed today and quite upset, checked my pulse and didnt feel any 'blips' very strange

I tell you, sometimes you feel u've had an ectopic when what u have actually had a shot of adrenaline shooting up through ur chest. Feels almost the same.

Happened to me alot. I know cause Iwas constantly checking my pulse and it happened loads of times. If I hadnt been feeling my pulse id swear it was an ectopic.

Something to think about.

Cardiologist told me they are horrible things to have ectopics & palpitations but entirely harmless.

Eat more magnessium filled veg & fruit like beans and bananas. Cut out the caffeine. And in 3 weeks see how you feel.