View Full Version : I have spat up blood, what should I do?

30-01-10, 03:45
Ive had a bad couple of days of feeling tightness in chest, wheeze, slight dry cough, hot flushes and lightheadedness. I was chewing on an arm band I was wearing and when I looked at it I noticed blood...I went to the sink to see if it was coming from my chest/throat..I coughed and spat and there it was, blood...not frothy, phleghmy blood...just red blood....I didnt bring up a lot..But im absolutely terrified now..im in pieces..its 3:36am and Im alone..my mums in work and my brothers away..I dont know what to do...these last few im sure my BP has dropped because my pulse is always weak/faint and im lightheaded a lot..I dont know why my BP would be low...Im rly scared I gave lung disease or pulmonary hypertension or possibly an embolism...I initally thought It was allergy triggered asthma..but if im bringing up blood it HAS ro be something more serious, surely..I feel rly hot now....Ive been dealing with most of these symptoms for a couple of months now..I was exercising last week..jogging for up to 15 mins...without encountering significant problems...i dont know whts going on...

30-01-10, 04:06
Unless you are throwing up large amounts of blood, it's most likely not serious. If you have an infection of the sinuses, the blood could have come from drippage down your throat. Are you sure it isn't coming from your teeth? You said you were chewing on an arm band. You could have irritated your gums and they bled a little. Even though you coughed and spat, the blood could have been in your mouth from your gums.

I think a trip to your GP would make you feel better.

Try to relax. I know. Easier said than done. But I really think if it was just a bit of blood, you aren't in any danger.


30-01-10, 04:29
it coul be tht. i havent rly had a bad cough per se...so the blood could have pooled at the bk of my throat....idk..i might go to the hospital as i wnt be able to get a drs apptmnt until mnday...now and again im having chest flutters when i tk a deep breath..but ive drank coffee and im a bit of a state nw so im putting it dwn to tht...i dnt rly feel tightness anymore just discomfort from tight, tense muscles probably...

ty for yur response.

btw, my mum shares teh same name as you :P haha

30-01-10, 04:31
it was red blood as well..not frothy or dark or anything..which is good because i think dark blood indicates that its internal..y'know?

30-01-10, 08:05
It could be from your gums. Go brush and floss your teeth, and if they bleed at all, it's probably that.