View Full Version : What time is best to take Venlafaxine?

30-01-10, 08:53
I've been given conflicting info on when is best to take this med. I took my 1st one yesterday in the morning and by 3pm I could have laid my head on the pillow and crashed out. I eventually went to bed at 9pm but woke up at 5am. I also felt nausious for most of the day, but don;t really care about that too much. It is complicated slightly by the fact that I have stopped taking Mirtazipine, so withdrawals coupled with side effects...nice!
Anyone else taking Venlafaxine?
Many thanks

30-01-10, 09:28
Yes, I take a small dose (1 x 37.5 mg daily) but used to be on a much higher dose. I was always advised to take it after a meal, so after breakfast is my time. However, when I was taking a huge dose daily, it was spread out and after all three meals. I was lucky and did not develop nausea or exhaustion, or infact any side effects at all. I believe that short term side effects should disappear within a week...but it must be very hard for you with new med. side effects and withdrawl at the same time !

Drowsiness and nausea are the most common side effects of Venlafaxine, hence why it warns about not driving if you feel drowsy. What advice were you given about when to take it ?

30-01-10, 09:50
Thanks Carys again, I am on 75mg of the slow release capsules. The prescription says take 1 at night but my support worker says I can take them in the morning, so confused. I know everyone reacts differently to meds, but I would go with the majority. I was thinking maybe after dinner in the evening would be a good time, just not sure at all.

30-01-10, 10:09
Ah, ok, I don't know much about the slow release. I think if you were so tired in the day, and the box says to take at night, then I would be tempted to go with the 'last thing at night' thingy. After all your support worker only said that you 'can' take it in the morning if you wanted. Hopefully someone who takes exactly the same formulation will come along with their thoughts ?!

30-01-10, 10:30
Hi Carys,

i aiso take 75mg slow release tablets.Itake them at night before bed, i have taken them at morning on the odd occasion ive forgot at night but they do make me tired and lathargic,when taken in the morning.Hope this helps. tracy

30-01-10, 12:13
Thanks Tam, that is a big help because I can't bear the thought of being so tired. How long have you been on them and do you find they work for you?

31-01-10, 11:10
Can i ask u guys if it was your GP or a psychiatrist who prescribed these meds? I used to be on Venalfaxine prescribed by my GP but now when I ask to go on it I am told I would have to see a psychiatrist to get on it. Is that true?

31-01-10, 11:43
My GP prescribed it but this is the 4th medication I am taking after not responding well to others. But I am being seen by support workers etc anyway. I think it must depend on who your GP is then. How did you get on with it when you was on it b4?

01-02-10, 09:32
hi, i have been on them for about 18 months now.i was taking citrolopram and came off them as wasnt doing anything for me.i do still get tired but not as bad as i used too,i think they have really helped me alot i feel more motivated to do things than i did.i am def getting there and alot better than i was but it does take time, and do still get bad days.hope you start feeling better soon.tracy

17-05-12, 23:45
Hey everyone, just found this thread.

Have been on Venlafaxine MR 150mg for around 12 months now following a near-breakdown caused by the sudden onset of acute anxiety attacks.

I have been so sleepy for the whole period that i have been taking the drug. My GP originally advised me to take the drug in the morning, as he said taking it later in the day might prevent me sleeping at night. However, due to my chronic sleepiness i have decided to take my next dose before bed.

Will let you know how this goes... Was very useful to know that some of you had been advised to use this regime.


18-05-12, 00:17
hi j jem i thought i was the only one till i saw this thread too. sometimes i could sleep a week then not sleep for ages.

has anyone else wanted to sleep a whole week and not want to get out of bed.

keep strong