View Full Version : sertraline and side effects

30-01-10, 12:24
Hi everyone ive been on sertraline for a few months now and have had alot of side effects but one of the worse is it has made my ibs worse its sending me mad the pain bloated feeling and acid stomache has sertraline done this to anyone else .

30-01-10, 12:27
Hello :3
Well, I have to say that I don't take sertraline (I actually take Paroxetine ._.'), but if you're not comfortable with your medicine, you should talk to your doctor to see another remedy that won't make you feel like this. If it's making you worse, than you should really try to change until you find the right medicine for you '-'

30-01-10, 12:34
ive been on quite a few i was on fluoxetine for years ive also been on paroxetine which were fantastic but my dr wont put me back on them even though ive asked she said they are addictive so thats why she wont put me back on them.

30-01-10, 12:40
Well, I've never heard about Paroxetine or Fluoxetine being addictive... But if you're going trough so much pain, she should try to help you! But maybe this side effects will go away with time but if they don't, then maybe you should really go for a second opinion. '-'

30-01-10, 12:44
ive been on quite a few i was on fluoxetine for years ive also been on paroxetine which were fantastic but my dr wont put me back on them even though ive asked she said they are addictive so thats why she wont put me back on them.

Good grief, you have to weigh up the pros and cons, i was on paroxetine for 8 yrs and although its hard to come off cos of some weird side effects .. I was in NO way craving them.

The term addicted means you have to keep increasing the drugs dosage in order to get the same mind altering effect.......... I dont get that from my sertraline or the paroxetine I was once on.

If you have to change you have to change, sounds like sertraline does not agree with you, are you certain it is the sertraline making IBS worse

30-01-10, 12:50
I would go back on paroxetine tomorrow if they would let me i think i will go back and tell them i want to go back on them my ibs coincided with going on sertraline but i suppose it could be anxiety i lost my mum 15 months ago and ive been struggling ever since .

03-02-10, 20:12
i've only tried sertraline as i lost my mum 8 months ago and although the panic attacks have calmed a bit i have been suffering with stomach problems but like all the other symptoms i am just accepting as it's easier than fighting