View Full Version : quick advice plllllease

30-01-10, 17:10
how can you be absolutely fine,enjoying not getting dressed for once and staying in dressing gown ,doing dinner one minute then next suddenly feel low and anxious coz suddenly feel low,i have got a bit of a fluey bug !but i feel really on the edge of anxiety and dont want to go there today help advice please

30-01-10, 18:26
Hi julia, it happens to all of the time. It will pass so try not to worry. Sorrry i have not been on fb for a while, i have been having a really hard time :( How have you been? xx

andrea thompson
30-01-10, 18:28
hiya hon....

its strange how it just comes out of the blue.... it sometimes gets me like that... i suppose it the nature of the illness.... if i was in your shoes i would probably try to occupy myself with something.... plod on with cooking dinner or sort out your sock drawer... it will pass hon....

its horrible but you will get through it... try to remember it is anxiety and nothing more... if you can have a warm bath that always works for me....

take care
andrea x x