View Full Version : Constant Headache on Left Side

30-01-10, 17:17

I'm 16 years old and I have had a contstant headache on the left side of my head for months. Sometimes it's not that bad and if i'm outside with friends or in college I don't even notice it. Other times it is quite bad. It's always on the top middle of my head but just on the left side.

When I lay down on the left side of my head it starts to hurt there and it feels like my head is caving in from the left side where i'm laying. But when I lay on the right side of my head its not that bad, and there's only the smallest feeling of it still throbbing from laying down.

I don't get nauseous or have problems with balance.

I'm really scared about havign a brain tumor and I think this might be making thigns worse. I'm not really sure anymore, it's doing my head in! Also, I have a poor diet, im on the computer a lot and I get around 7 hours of sleep a day.

Oh yeah there isn't any history of tumors or brain problems in both sides of my family.

If someone could help me out it be really nice :)

30-01-10, 17:59
I think there's a few people on here like you and I include myself in this! I've had one for two months. It started after I got a migraine and it never left me, occasionally it's gone but I always have the feeling it will come back which is probably why it does!

Mines above my right eye and quite dull but sometimes can turn into a migraine. Sometimes a migraine on the opposite side and sometimes just a general sore head across the top of my forehead.

Tension, stress and subconcious worrying along with always being concious of it are the things keeping it I think!

Hopefully some more people will post with the same things!

Oh and :welcome:

31-01-10, 10:55
There is a similar thread on the HA forum on headaches. It's called "Head pain worry!..."

Perhaps everyone should post on the same thread.