View Full Version : Sleep disturbances - fainting in sleep , anyone ?

30-01-10, 18:38
Last night I was drifting off to sleep when next thing I found myself in my bathroom , legs trembling feeling like they were about to cave , I was ready to collapse!!!?? It was the strangest thing ever , I always feel like I'm about to collapse when I'm in panic , but this was the worst feeling yet ! Even before I had anxiety , I have disrupted sleep , I wake up seeing things , running out of the room crying / screaming etc ! I have full blown coversations with people being asleep , but I do feel like I'm awake when having them ! It's so weird
Surely this can't be sleepwalking ? I don't want to google so can someone help me out ? Anyone get this ?
Scared to sleep tonight :-(

30-01-10, 20:54
It sounds like sleepwalking. There's no other way you could have gotten from one room to another. Some people are just prone to sleepwalking, especially when anxious. The waking up seeing things sounds like night terrors, which I believe seem very real to the sufferer. I feel for you, but think they are both harmless.

30-01-10, 21:10
Hi there, do not panic - you are not alone in this.
I too had averything exactly as you describe, I once jumped out of bed and hit the chest of drawers cracking a couple of ribs in the process. I could hold conversations with my husband, scream very loudly and swear like a navvy (I don't swear when I am awake).

Gradually the sleep walking stopped and now I only talk and argue in my sleep and I am so used to this it doesn't worry me any more. The Doctor says it's my brains way of coping with stress.


31-01-10, 21:37
This has happened to me once before, my anxiety wasn't as bad then eiether, but apparently I got up, attacked the wardrobes lol (ended up with very strained chest muscles), shouted at my sister about cakes lol it seems I'm very colourful in my sleep too lol & then just went back to bed...didn't remember a thing about it the next day but it gave everyone a laugh, including me...
I asked the doc about it & he said that stress could have played a part in it...it's only happened the once thank god lol
So you're not alone don't worry...it's just your brain being too active when you're asleep I guess...not "shutting off" :)