View Full Version : called an ambulance- help!

28-12-05, 09:51
i've just had an ambulance out because i thought i was going to die. I feel soooo stupid now and can't stop crying. How can panic make you feel so bad and yet medically nothing is wrong with you? Experienced symtoms stronger and like nothing i'd ever felt before- felt like my brain was 'rattling' in my head, was convinced i was going to pass out, was screaming as well.Has anyone else had these symtoms? Am going to see my gp later. thanxx

28-12-05, 10:08
Hi India, I have done exactly the same before. I was lying down on the drive of my house because I was convinced I couldnt stand up and there was something really serious going on with my head. The ambulance took ages, I got bored of waiting, by the time it turned up I was fine!! They just checked me over and all was ok. I look back on it now and laugh about it! Don't worry, u will be fine the symptoms are very real but you will be ok.


28-12-05, 10:11
(((Hugs))) Poor you.

When I first started getting panic attacks after the birth of my son I called the emergenct doctor out so many times as i was convinced i was dying so I can really sympathise.

I hope your doctor is helpful.

Annie x x

28-12-05, 10:16
Hi India,

I understand how you feel but when you are in the middle of a panic attack you are so frightened that you need reassurance from anywhere. I have been admitted to A&E before as I was sure I was dying!! Of course it was just a panic attack and once you recognise the symptoms and signs you can often deal with it better.

On one occasion I had to call an ambulance for a friend who I suspected was having a panic attack but she had had surgery a week before and I couldn't risk it. When the paramedics came they confirmed that she was having a panic attack and I felt a little bit silly but I think they are used to it and as they said 'better to be safe than sorry'. My friends symptoms were exactly the same as yours and so you shouldn't worry too much. Panic attacks can give you some very unpleasant physical symptoms!

Hope you are feeling better now.
Best wishes
Tulip :):)

28-12-05, 10:41
Hi India, I too have been admitted to hospital with an attack, to say i felt stupid was an understatement. the symptoms came out of nowhere and appeared for no reason.
you will feel better once youve seen your GP and realise this was it and there isnt anything underlying.
Try not to feel stupid, easier said than done i know, but the ambulance people are understanding.
Take care.xxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

28-12-05, 10:43
I lay down in my doctors surgery on the floor convinced I was just about to have a heart attack.

I agree with you that it seems amazing that a panic attack can cause such terrible symptoms.

You are not alone hun.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-12-05, 10:48
hello India, how are you feeling now hun?

Its understandable you calling an ambulance, what your body goes through it unbelievable. As funnyy as this may sound I have seen it on documetries so many time people calling amulances for panic attacks, the staff are trained for them so i wouldnt worry in the slightest, they are non-judgemetal and they probably never thought about it again.

The weekend my first panics started, I really couldnt breathe but i was soooo scared to even call an ambulance (in case there was something seriously worng) I was so scared to stay in doors with my 3 year old daughter aswell I walked to my doctors surgery with her, I walked in and they just said whats wrong and i burst into tears and said i couldnt breathe. they were so sympathetic of me and helpfull. I too felt so ashamed and embarrassed. My doctor said it was nothing to embarrassed about, the symptoms you get can sometimes mimic other severe illnesses, thats why some people think of heart attacks.

You did the perfectly best thing you could ever of done, your tears are probably of relief and youve had so many emotions going through your body its releasing them that way. Have a good cry hun, get rid of all the feelings and emotions. Cryings the best way to release tension too.

Weve all been there hun, its normal for us "panic-ers" . Somebody the other day asked me what was there fear i felt like, It was hard to explain, i said if you can imagine the fear you have when you wake form a horrible nightmare and your heart racing and you feel all delirious and multiply it by your strongest fear, again and again, that still wouldnt be in comparison.

My heart goes out to you mate and were all here for you xxxxxxxxxxxx

28-12-05, 17:21
Hi India,

Just signing in as another 'regular' to the ambulance crews. Each time I've gone in the 'flashing wagon' they've taken me to a different hospital, maybe to save me the embarassment with the staff lol.

But seriously, I do now how worrying it is - I have had loads of panic attacks, but one big one comes, or one with really strange symptoms and you feel that it really is something different.

You have taken the right route by calling the ambulance and seeing the doctor. If you have been admitted, then they'll give you a really thorough check-up and assuming that they find nothing wrong, that will help you in the future.

Let us know the outcome

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

28-12-05, 19:15
hi India,
'im sure you can see you are not alone in this! i've also gone off to A&E convinced the grim reaper was on his way! it did turn out to be a panic attack but that was after them thinking I was pregnant!! not sure which was more of a shock! (i wasn't pg - but should have seen the look on my ex's face!)
please dont worry though, at least you'll recognise what it is next time.

big hugs,
lisa xxx

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

28-12-05, 20:27
Hi India
I too have experienced bad panic attacks, thinking "am I dying". They are terrible.
At the moment, I am waking up with strange head sensations - thus thinking I have a brain tumour.
I hate anxiety - there are so many symptoms and when you suffer a new symptoms it makes the worry worse.
Hope you feel better.


29-12-05, 15:27
A few years ago I did the same... I was sure I was basically dead. The paramedic saw nothing wrong, except the fact I was hyperventilating because of panic. Because of this, they gave me some oxygen.

I was so embarassed about this event I told everyone that they said my oxygen levels were really low.

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

29-12-05, 15:37
has anybody heard from india, i was wondering how she was??

29-12-05, 17:08
Hi all, thank goodness i'm not the only one! To embarressed to tell my friends, oh did i mention one of the ambulance drivers knew me! i used to take his kids swimming with me! mmm not sure that will be happening again! Went to the doctors and she was very sympathetic. Gave me some propanolol, 3x10mg a day. See how i get on with them. Also going back to the consellor in Jan. Thanx for all yr messages, made me feel much better, Ray, your story did make me chuckle! xxxxxx

30-12-05, 16:32

Just a note to say that I too felt like calling an ambulance the other day. I got my self so worked up I could not breathe and I was home alone.

I was trying to think of someone to call to calm me down instead of calling 999.

In the end it subsided, but I know exactly how you felt.

Hope you feel better now,

Rockweasel :)

30-12-05, 16:37
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i've just had an ambulance out because i thought i was going to die. I feel soooo stupid now and can't stop crying. How can panic make you feel so bad and yet medically nothing is wrong with you? Experienced symtoms stronger and like nothing i'd ever felt before- felt like my brain was 'rattling' in my head, was convinced i was going to pass out, was screaming as well.Has anyone else had these symtoms? Am going to see my gp later. thanxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by india - 28 December 2005 : 09:51:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

30-12-05, 16:43
Don't feel silly. There have been studies which show people who have panic attacks have the same heart rate as someone in extreme physical stress. If you monitored them both not knowing which monitor belonged to whom then you wouldn't be able to tell them apart! I've been through it all myself and the one thing to remember is that these feelings, though horrible(REALLY horrible!) CAN'T hurt you. Give your body time and it will reset to normal. It can't sustain the adrenaline supply forever. It typically takes around an hour or two using deep breathing to get yourself feeling better. Just don't feel silly! You're not on your own!

01-01-06, 15:04
Hi,, I just posted a long intro and hadnt entered my password so will have to do it all again later [Oops!]

I just want to say that reading this and the replies has made me cry,, with relief.. had my first attack on christmas day.. and had 4 since.. ( 2 four days later and 2 this morning)

With my first I went to hosp not knowing what it was... feeling it was a heart attack.. brain tumour etc... had excellant care and was given ct scan and lumbar punch to rule out a brain bleed...

I have promised myself that i will go for a long walk at 3pm but on my return will contribute more...

Am so glad i found this site... I work with homeless families.. have had counselling training myself.. yet panic attacks do not discriminate do they!

Gawd knows how Im going to go back to work but I have too... esp as later this year i have to have time off anyway for a mastectomy.. already had one side done two years ago for cancer and the next one is preventative.. so have to save my sick leave for then, single wage.. mortgage., unable to get extra health cover cos of my previous health history... well actually i could get it but instead of it being £30 per month its more like £230... [Sigh...]

Thankyou for being here

And India.. thank you x


01-01-06, 15:06
Welcome Gina and look forward to hearing more from you in introductions after your walk..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-01-06, 15:49

Just wanted to welcome you aboard and sorry to hear all that you have gone through.

If you want to start your own introduction post then please feel free to do so.


03-01-06, 12:06
Hi India

Your not on your own with this when i had my fisrt panic attack 4yrs ago now i too rang for the ambulance 3 times i thought i was going out of my mind didn't know what was wrong with me. It was worse than having my kids and thats bad enough, i was told it was panic/anxiety attacks but didn't believe them as i never had anything like this before. I couldn't convince myself thats what it was my mind was all over the place. Anyway don't worry too much it's just anxiety/panic attack try and distract yourself from it i know it's hard but it sometimes works depending how bad it is. Hope u got on ok at GP.

take care
linda x