View Full Version : Head Pressure, and other symptoms....please help!

31-01-10, 04:21
Hi all,
i have had a huge brain tumour fear for a few months now, because of headaches and a constant pressure in my head. I have been to the doctors a few times and mainly been told its anxiety and tension.
Well the pressure has been really bad today, it really felt like if i didnt relieve the pressure my head would pop. But ive had a few chest pains today also, and i tight feeling at the top of my left arm (i have had this feeling before, but this time its alot tighter feeling), i have felt very lightheaded which really does frighten me because it does feel like i might faint. My legs feel very heavy and very achy, my neck feels stiff and im just so on edge.
Im really not sure all this is anxiety any more, im convinced all these symtoms are pointing to something else.......i cant face going back to my doctors just yet as he has told me to wait a couple of weeks and see how i am and he then may arrange some more blood works, and seeing i was only there wednesday i really dont want to go back yet.
Any advice, reassurance or anyone feeling the same, would be great to hear from you.
Thank you for reading, sorry its abit lenghty!!

Debs xxx

31-01-10, 08:51
Hi Debs,

I have been exactly where you are now, and I know it's really hard to believe that anxiety can cause all of these symptoms but it really can.

For months I had headaches, pressure and dizziness every day. And the more I focussed on it and the more alarmed i got it became worse and worse, and I saw this as a sign that I was deteriorating. Then I started getting other symptoms, tight chest and throat, heavy arm that didn't feel like it was my arm, tired all of the time and mood swings. Sometimes my head symptoms have been so bizzare and painful that I've been convinced I was going to die of a tumour or seizure.

I didn't start to get better until I started cbt and the psychologist really helped me understand why I felt the way I did and that the symptoms were purely thatn symptoms of a stressed and anxious body and mind. You won't start to feel better until you can fully accept that and then distract yourdelf by doing things that you enjoy.

I also very reluctantly, on the advice of my psychologist, started taking citalopram (anti depressent). I was adamant that I wanted to beat this without medication and I was terrified that the side effects would make me worse. But I was so bad over xmas that I decided it was worth giving anything a go. It was the best decision I've made so far, in four weeks I've transformed from a nervous wreck where my days were 80% bad, to be more like the normal 'me' where my days are 80% good. I've had no side effects at all (I know I'm one of the lucky ones). Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% yet and there's a way to go to get over this completely, but with the right help, and self belief you can get better!

Good luck
Lisa x

31-01-10, 10:09
Hi Debs

Sorry you are feeling so bad :hugs:

I so know how you feel i get a little head pressure especially my ears but the heavy legs arms etc etc i know how that feels and i also can relate to not wanting to got to the doctors with every trip i am terrified she will refer me to the hospital which is my biggest fear

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Caz xxx

31-01-10, 10:19
Hi Debs

My anxiety hits me exactly like yours, especially with the head pressure, like band around my temple.

But it is only anxiety, your mind triggering all those anxiety causing chemicals into your bloodstream and before you know it, phantom pains and pressure all over the shop.

Why not pop back to your GP for reassurance if that's what it takes soon, sometimes when your worst fears are ruled out, it can be a big weight off your shoulders.

I have had your symptoms since I was 30, I am now 42 and have convinced myself from that time I have had it all, but I am still here ;)

Once you overcome this latest fear, start to think about tackling how you think, remember, how you think is directly related to how you feel.



31-01-10, 11:12
Hi Debs
I have had a constant headache for about 4 or 5 months now, I have had this headache everyday, some days its just in the back ground but always there, other days it makes me feel really ill. I also have constant lightheaded, with muscle tension in my neck and shoulders. I too have been really worried as the headache never leaves me, but my doctor assures me that it is anxiety, doesnt stop me being worried though. It doesnt help that I never relax I always feel on edge and sat on the edge of my seat.
Good Luck
Ann x

31-01-10, 11:15
There is a similar thread on the HA forum on headaches.

It's called "Head pain worry!..."

31-01-10, 13:16
Thank you so much for all your kind words and reassurance. I just sometimes need to hear it from others if you know what i mean.
Its good to know that im not alone......so thank you again all for replying.

Debs xxx

01-02-10, 08:15
Hi Debs,

I hope you're feeling better now..

I was in a similar condition about 3 weeks ago. The constant pressure in the head, heavy feet, stiff neck and in my case, a sensation that I was carrying something heavy on my head. I thought I had a heart attack when the worst attack came. For days I was in panic because I didn't know I was feeling. I decided to have an executive checkup.

There was a lot of tests, but to make the long story short, my ENT said I have enlarged turbonates. These are the organs in your nasal cavities that humidifies and filters the air you breathe. Mine are so swollen that they congest my nose, and affects my maxiliary and fontal sinus. (My GP later said, it may have caused that heavy pressure on the head and stiff neck. The heavy legs is a psychological response to the sensation something heavy on your head.) Anyway a prescription nasal spray did the trick ...

I hope this helps. Visit your EENT.