View Full Version : PVC question...Please Respond

31-01-10, 04:43
OK. I am totally at peace with my PVCs, they don't cause me anxiety anymore, but they still are annoying and uncomfortable. I have a few questions I would like to ask all of you sufferers out there.

1. Do you find that PVCs happen after you worked out really hard? Like at work lifting heavy things or lifting weights at the gym? (I am looking a a possible hernia correlation)

2. Do your PVCs make you feel tired or run down? Could this tiredness be caused by subconscious anxiety and tension building up because of the thoughts of the PVC or something physiological?

3. Do you find that your PVCs happen when you sit in a certain position? (Like pressure on your back or laying on your left side?)

I have a couple of theories in my head about my PVCs and just wanted to get a general consensus of everyone else's experiences.

31-01-10, 05:37
sometimes i get the flutter when I take a deep breath.

I have had them while out walking..usually I go for 20 min strolls..and they always happen right at the end of the walk!

yeah, laying in certain positions can provoke them..especially if im laying on my left side..or if i stretch out sometimes.

I feel run down and fatigued a lot but I dont think its because of this.

Im having a holter monitor on the 15th feb for piece of mind.

p.s. I get them more often if Im rly tired or havent slept well...

31-01-10, 10:01
I can say yes to a couple of them: when I'm tired and run down and when I lay on my left side. Sometimes when I walk but only to start off with then they disappear.