View Full Version : Ruined the evening....

31-01-10, 11:52
I have suffered with panic attacks for a number of years, but have pretty much managed to get them under control.

But I also occasionally feel light-headed, and faint, for no apparent reason.

Last night I was out with my wife, enjoying a meal, when suddenly, half way through the meal, I felt as if I was going to faint! I felt like i was falling forwards, and had to grab the table for support!

This had the effect of triggering a panic attack, and I was consumed with the fear that I was going to pass out/drop dead etc right in the middle of the restaurant!

Fortunately, my wife had finished her meal, so I left the rest of mine, and we went straight home. (Normally we stay in town for a few more drinks)

It completely ruined the night, and we spent the rest of it in front of the telly barely speaking!

I wonder what caused this? I sometimes have the same thing at work, usually when reading e-mails late morning, and the feeling usually passes after lunch.

Is this some sort of blood sugar thing? I'm now worrying about diabetes, and god knows what else!

Now feeling very very down......

31-01-10, 12:22
Ok you might feel like you ruined the evening, but how does your wife feel? Maybe she was upset but maybe she understands as well. Look at the positives, you managed to go out, your wife had a meal, maybe your diets changed recently and your low in salt,sugar or something else. Try not to be too hard on yourself, and maybe try to talk to your wife about what happened and see how she reacts. Everyone has setbacks even people who have no issues, next time maybe completely different and you'll have a great time.

31-01-10, 12:29

That's a shame your night was spoiled. Don't feel bad about it though and don't think it will have to happen again. It could be low blood sugar - did you have a long spell before it without eating? You could always get the nurse at your doctor's to check your blood glucose. But it could also be anxiety. You've maybe felt a bit anxious and then panicked and it's all built up. We've all done it! Did you feel better when you arrived home? Also you say you feel like it in work late morning and better after lunch. Sometimes anxiety hits people in the morning and you relax as the day goes on. If I were you I'd mention it to the doctor, get your blood checked. Even if it is low blood sugar you'll be advised to eat regularly and not miss meals. You are maybe feeling a bit more anxious at the moment but this too will pass. Don't put too much importance on it and put yourself off going out again.

31-01-10, 19:24
Thanks for the replies!

Yes it had been a while since I had eaten, but it seems strange that this happened half-way through the meal! I had been quite stressed before the meal, as we had to wait quite a while for the table, but I was starting to relax when it happened!

I'm sure I will feel better about it in a few days, but it's been a rubbish weekend!

I think maybe I'll watch my eating/sugar consumption for a few days, and see what happens....

31-01-10, 21:07
but I was starting to relax when it happened!

You know what, I have a theory, and I can't substantiate it :D with anything more than my own anecdotal evidence from years gone by- but I have had this feeling at times too. A falling type of fainting feeling, for no apparent reason. I don't fall and I don't faint, but I feel wobbly, and it is a very short period of time. I think it is actually muscles relaxing in my face and around my eyes, after a period of tension. I am aware that I clench my teeth and jaw, and can feel the tightness across my temples and forehead. My eyes seem very responsive to periods of stress, and the tiny muscles in and around them often give me some peculiar effects from time to time when they've been contracted for a sustained period . I've got used to it now - but I can have days where my head spins when I lie on my back, but fine in different directions. I can relate this entirely to stress a while before, and can almost feel my eyes causing it - a visual misinterpretation of signals being sent by tired muscles and nerves. I have found that the falling/wobbly/fainting feeling is replicated after having spent a lot of time outside in very bright sunshine - with no sunglasses. I scrunch my eyes up and tense my face in the reall bright light, and often find some time later when out of the light I get that wobbly feeling. Your eyes are an important part of your balance system, try standing on one leg with your eyes closed and then try it with them open. It could seriously just be that you were starting to relax !?

31-01-10, 21:26
Interesting thought....yes, I do sometimes seem to get this when I am either relaxing or absorbed in something!

31-01-10, 21:31
Hope you feel better soon meltdown but i can relate to your symptoms, i was out with sons yesterday and had uncomfortable feelings its a very lonely and frustrating sensation, ive had some stress and worry recently and im sure this contributes to it. i get it quite often and from what ive seen and read on here seems to be problem with many sufferers
take care steve

31-01-10, 21:40
suddenly, half way through the meal, I felt as if I was going to faint! I felt like i was falling forwards, and had to grab the table for support!

Hi there

I know this feeling well - even sitting at my kitchen table, I've had to grab the table for support. I even think I might fall forwards and hit my head on the table!

You say you were getting stressed before the meal so I think its just a symptom of anxiety. I get very nervous in restaurants myself and this had happened to me.

The best thing you can do to be honest is stay at the table and stay with the feeling. You need to prove to yourself that you can ride this feeling and see that you actually wont faint and nothing bad is going to happen - very difficult I know.

Hope this helps a little.

31-01-10, 23:42
could be vertigo because I get that a lot and I know when it hits me out of know where and my body physically responds to the falling sensation it's just vertigo.
It doesn't mean you will ever faint!
the guilt is awful isn't! Even If people tell you it's ok you know it's not really.
It sucks feeling guilty for something that really is beyond your control.

01-02-10, 02:19
I have this feeling almost every day and especially when sitting at the table. I no longer go to restaurants because it always happens to me and though I will keep quiet and get one with it, it ruins it for me.

01-02-10, 05:28

I think it's a shame you feel you ruined the evening because you had a panic attack. If your wife felt unwell or was ill would you think she had ruined your evening or would you be thinking you hoped she was ok? Why were you barely speaking for the rest of the evening? That seems a shame.

The sensation you described is very familiar to me and is often what causes my panic attacks. I always thought it was an anxiety symptom. :shrug: