View Full Version : Horrible panic

28-12-05, 15:42
Today my husband took me and the kids to town but as soon as we arrived I felt trapped by all the people, it was so hectic and made me feel very light headed. There were people in front of me ,behind me and next to me........I absolutely hated it and felt my panic taking a good grip. I told myself to breath and my panic would calm down but it just followed me where ever I walked (feeling wobbly).

We had to take my daughter to get her ears checked at Clairs because she had them pierced 6 weeks ago, she sat in the chair and the assistant took her earings out to clean them but then couldnt get one of the earings back in , she struggled and had to be rough, my daughters ear started bleeding.........Then I felt myself panic alot as my daughter was looking at me,
I panic so much I had to grab the wall and my vision went very blurred but something else happened,
my ears went all ****led like i was deaf ? (never had this before)
then I ran out the door to sit on a bench and put my head between my knees...slowely i calmed down.

I told my husband i feel totally useless, my daughter needed me and I ran away..........Ive been fighting this monster for nearly 4 years now and am so tired of doing it, Ive taken every angle possible but am still in this nightmare, the person I used to be is gone.


28-12-05, 15:55
It sounds like you've had a tough day and with the stress of christmas and the business of the shops during the sales it's not surprise that you felt clautrophobic.

I think it's normal to feel a bit helpless when your shild is having something done to them and on top of the feeling you already had it was just too much. The vision and hearing was probably just distorion from overloading your senses.

It sounds like you thought about it and knew what was happening and dealt with it really well.

Annie x

28-12-05, 15:55
What kind of therapy and/or medicine are you doing for this? Have you ever had any relief from your anxiety in the last 4 years? Just know that we have all been there to some degree and it will pass!
With love Chrissy

28-12-05, 16:43
Ive had councilling, dont like taking meds.

It just wont go away full time,claustraphobia never thought of it that way?


28-12-05, 17:09

It is mad at the moment at the shops so I am staying away as well. I am sure the bargains will still be there in a few days.

I went to Tesco before Xmas and even I had to abandon the trolley in the checkout queue for a few minutes whilst I went outside for 5 minutes of air.

I can understand about the meds but you can also help in other ways - diet, exercise etc. Maybe you could do with some Vitamin B complex supplements?


28-12-05, 17:19
sorry youve had such a bad day hun. The sales ah!!!!!!! nobody gets around without a fluster.

As for your daughter and her earing, well ANYBODY would feel like that, in fact i would of probably punced the Clairs assistant!:D

I think what we need to remember is, what your feeling are perfectly normal but exagerated by have aniety and panics.

Try to keep your chin up, your no failure, to your daughter or anybody else.


28-12-05, 19:44
Thanks for your replys, I have calmed down alot now.

When i was in town i looked at all them people and thought why can they do what i cant ?
Meg Something I have just realised is I have eaten loads and loads of sugar over the xmas period, this gets me thinking about the sugar connection again. ( I gave it up for 3 weeks in November and felt great).
I have started doing excersizes with a Pilates dvd from home(past 4 days) and absolutely love it, its so relaxing.
I certainly have alot of claustraphobic traits, been reading up on it online. DOes anyone know much about this? Id prefer saying to people I suffer with claustraphobia than panic disorder........people seem to understand it more.


28-12-05, 19:53
hi mirry,

sorry for the horrible day you've had. a big panic like that can really take it out of you.. and it can really get you down after suffering for such a long time..
i get the anxiety and negative thoughts more than the panics now and when i get a panic now (very rarely) i think oh good, i know how to deal with these!!

as for the claustrophobia i believe the anxiety is all related. I travelled round the world in my twenties and loved every minute but flew last year to my honeymoon and suffered terribly from claustrophobia.. its a heightened awareness really.. but it is also something that can be worked through and overcome..

good luck,
lisa xxx

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

28-12-05, 22:44
Mirry - my god the sales hun, don't even go there!!!!

Most of my life I have been claustrophobic and this is very closely related to my agoraphobia. Funny years ago I thought these were two opposite fears and thought gosh I'll never be agoraphobic I'm too claustrophic lol!!!

Now the meaning of agoraphobia has been more fully explained as a fear of the market place ie: not being able to escape I realise I do suffer from both but the basis of my claustrophobia is my agoraphobia.;)

Actually reading that back made me snort with laughter - what am I like:D

Lovie I think many of us are struggling and wobbling all over the place at the moment - try not to dwell on it, who the hell likes busy shopping centre's even when they feel great.

The sugar thing - ditto, I have eaten so much more chocolate and crap than I normally do, done no exercise (other than the odd trip into town) no yoga and am out of my normal routine. Recipe for disaster really.

Intend to take action forthwith:)

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-12-05, 09:01
I read agrophobia is a fear of open spaces and claustraphobia is a fear of closed in spaces.............. but I think where they connect is (like you say piglet) the fear of no escape from a stressful situation?

I have both, for example I can walk down an empty street and feel horrible and also be in a crowded place and feel it.
Yet some times I can manage both ?

What I dont understand is they say FACE YOUR FEARS,
i have been facing them ever since they started and they just dont get any better ( I may have a good week once in a while).

I go to work 3 mornings a week..........which is a struggle but I dont want to go on to incapsity benifit and give up my job because I would retreat further away from the outside world.

My councillor said to me on my last visit, "I dont know where we can go next with you" she made it sound like shes given up on me - infact she hasnt given me much hope. I only have one more session left.:(


29-12-05, 10:59
Find a new councillor then mate.

Lots of stuff still left to try though.

I am the same as you I keep facing my fears but feel after 6 years they are still there!!! I am thinking now that I need to work on the acceptance thing. In the Claire Weekes books she says that if you are still bothered by it then you haven't acepted it.

There could be a grain of truth in this and I am making more headway with this lately. I don't think by accepting she means just give up, more that she means stop fighting it as its the fighting that's causing more tension.

It's good to have determination but not to see it so much as a battle all the time(something I think I do)!!

I also have a good book by Terri Conley and that always gives me hope as she struggled terrribly for years and now is recovered and written a book runs supports groups etc etc. It can be done but I reckon we have to relax our attitude a little. I know this is hard or I would have managed it already by now:D:D:D

Keep trying mate:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-12-05, 11:19
*Meg Something I have just realised is I have eaten loads and loads of sugar over the xmas period, this gets me thinking about the sugar connection again. ( I gave it up for 3 weeks in November and felt great).*

Its a very real connection for many of us.

Mirry - whilst you may be out there battling and facing fears - you ahve not changed how you view them if its still a battle so haven't changed your thoughts and attitide which is far more key than actually doing the journeys each time.

Your counsellor is crap and unprofesssional for even taking that attitude. Ditch her.

Try No Panic- telephone recovery service for £10.00.
or National Phobic Society or Mind courses .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 15:41
i agree your counsellor is rubbish!!!!!! i ditched a counsellor before, she was no good for me.

Get rid, try again!

29-12-05, 16:20
Thanks once again for your help, I will try to get hold of clair weeks book as Ive read so much about it on here.
Also the No more panic course sounds good, where can i read more about it - expect its on here somewhere?


29-12-05, 16:24

and under research there is a reading page which takes you to Claires weekes books too


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 16:59
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Also the No more panic course sounds good, where can i read more about it - expect its on here somewhere?


<div align="right">Originally posted by mirry - 29 December 2005 : 16:20:00</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Mirry - it is run by the charity "No Panic" - nothing to do with this site. You can find them at www.nopanic.org.uk

Hope it helps.
