View Full Version : Gyn. problems (women only, please).

31-01-10, 14:58
Ok, this might sound disgusting and stuff, but I really could use some advice.
For the past few months I've been getting gynecological symptoms. I went to the gyno about a month ago too, she didn't do a pap smear, only a transvaginal ultrasound and she said that it showed nothing wrong with uterus, ovaries etc.
So, for the last few times I've been getting light periods (used to be rather heavy). I don't know what could cause it. Weight loss? Stress? Because I've been stressed for years but this has not happened before.
And also I've had white/clear thin discharge (used to have thicker discharge) that's pretty heavy and has little white flecks in it. I don't get it all the time during the day, only few times, like when walking or exercising. And for the past two days it's been thicker and has creamy clumps in it at times. I'm expecting my period in a few days.
I've read online that this could be caused by several STD's (which isn't my case for sure since I've never had an intercouse) and yeast infection. But I've had a yeast infection a few years back when I was 13 and it was waaaay different. It hurt and itched A LOT. Sometimes I couldn't even sit. This time there's no itching, burning, pain or anything.
So, basically, does anyone have any idea what could this be? Is it even a sign of an infection/disease or is it normal?
EDIT: Also, it doesn't have an odor at all.

31-01-10, 15:36
hi dont worry vaginal discharge changes throughout the month and yours sounds normal to me and periods change with age ,stress,anxiety so on mine went haywire with stress but before stress never effected my periods but it does now please dont worry it all sounds ok to me:yesyes:

31-01-10, 16:15
I'm just being freaked out, esp. because of the clumps. I googled it and other people who have had the same thing have posted threads and everybody keeps telling them that they have an infection. Which kind of doesn't make sense because infection would cause a smell or at least some itching? Yes/No?

31-01-10, 16:57
your discharge sounds like mine and if you had an infection yes it would smell ive had swabs and scans about breakthrough bleeding and everything came back normal and i had the same discharge then and nothing came back abnormal so stop worrying .