View Full Version : Going out of my mind with PVC's!

31-01-10, 15:14
Hi all
I haven't been on here in a long time but i didn't know what else to do as im going out of my mind.
Over the last week my palpitations have go some bad again. Every other beat is like a missed or double beat that is so STRONG.

I am sat here crying as im so scared of them. I try distracting myself but as soon as i rest (and im shattered) or eat WHAM i can feel them!!
I am due on & it seems mine are hormonal related 10 days or so before my period. I am a nurse & i know most stress sufferers get them as a result of anxiety & increased adrenaline & they are normal but i couldn't help Google & what did i see?? I just cant relax & just chill i am always on edge & climbing the walls. I haven't felt this bad for ages!!

' PVC's can be dangerous, can cause sudden death. I am so so scared & i know until i relax they wont relax '

Can any of you that get them this bad please give me some tips or help me!

Very sad Nic xxxx

31-01-10, 16:10
Hi Nic
So sorry that you are having a bad time at the moment
I get palpitations and I dont like them at all
When mine start I also panic as well
Thinking it is my heart
The doctor said that mine is to do with the medication I take for my thyroid and my anxiety because they both cause your heart to go faster.
look after yourself


31-01-10, 17:03
My last 24 tape recorded 6000 missed beats. And I'm still alive and kickin!! Please, I know they are uncomfortable and unpleasant, but try not to be afraid of them. The more afraid you are the more they can happen. Also, if you are very tired then they are more noticable, that's what happens with me. I feel for you but I also know that they are harmless so please be reassured of this. Many people here suffer from them so you are not alone.

31-01-10, 19:51
Hi Nic,
I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering. I totally understand as I've been experiencing skipped beats and palpitations for a long time now which the cardiologist detected and had a 24 hr holter last week. They are really distressing and the skipped beats disturb what little sleep I have and wake me.
Today I had a really weird sensation, which I've not had before and how I can only describe as like a vacuum or straw sucking from the inside really fast and then out again. This really freaked me out and was so scary! Has anyone else had this?
Thinking of you.

01-02-10, 02:11
I get them, hate them and feel exhausted with lack of sleep also.

I did a google and found that awful suggestions that they can cause sudden death. But RLR on his site states that he has never known anyone to die from them and that his sister started having them in her 20's and still does have them and is now 92.

I think they would only be dangerous if they were related to another serious condition, those that come with anx are not a problem with the heart, rather the neurological messages controlling the vagus nerve.

Check out RLR's site


01-02-10, 10:30
I have them too, at the age of 37 and have been getting them since I was 22. I think they are related to stress and anxiety but they seem to pop up at the oddest of times. I once wore the 24-hour halter and of course during that time nothing happened. I go through periods of being worried about them and others when my rational mind assures me that nothing is really wrong and that I will be fine. Hope you feel better soon. :)

01-02-10, 14:04
Does anyone else get chest pains or random pressure in chest or back pain with them? x

01-02-10, 14:08
Hello everyone :3
I had that yesterday actually! The huge anxiety felling and then my back started to hurt, and also the pressure in my chest. But all that went away after I woke up this morning. :D It's just the anxiety making us feel like crap. ;-;'

01-02-10, 19:29
Hi Nicola,
I've had random chest pains, pains down my left arm and pain in my upper left back for years now. I also get palpitations daily and sometimes every minute but my results have shown PAC's. I've had a million tests over the years.
Have you had an echo? I have had 3 and I know my heart is structurally normal. I am an RN as well and I think it can be especially hard for us to deal with this kind of thing. I know I refuse to go to the ER because I know too many people who work there and I don't want them to find out about my anxiety!
The concern with PVC's is them turning into v-tach or v-fib. I believe this is supremely rare! And if you have a structurally normal heart, your chances of this happen is even less.
A few days ago, right before my period, I was having about 5-6 palps per minute. Soooo annoying and still scary even though I know they're harmless.
I'm sure you'll be fine hun :)