View Full Version : How do I book into hospital?

31-01-10, 16:18
Hi there,

last night I had a really bad panic attack, chest pains, sweating and the like so I went to hospital.
Anyway I've been really bad lately, I've thought about suicide and I just feel generally awful.
So for anyone else who's been to hospital pysch hospital that is, what is the procedure for it?
I feel like if I don't get help I could harm myself.
Has anyne been to hospital before?
What's it like?

Thanks for any

31-01-10, 16:58
Usually its through your gp or mental health worker.Sometimes if you get taken to hospital through attempted suicide or self harm you get to see a psychiatrist there and they assess you.

Have you seen a gp about your attacks,are you on any meds this is usually the frist step.:hugs:

31-01-10, 17:05
if your very bad simply just turn up at the hospital.
depending on the time the doctor may or may not be there to asses you.

31-01-10, 17:08
Did you tell them how you were feeling when you went to hospital last night? If you feel as though you can't cope then I'd phone nhs direct and explain to them exactly how you feel. They should arrange for a doctor to see you, either at home or at hospital. You obviously need help. If you phone your doctor's number they should have a recorded message about who to contact in an emergency. Please get help. You can get through this so don't despair.

31-01-10, 17:33
I dont really want to go to hospital i hate being around a lot of people, but i might have to if i feel like i did last night again, cant keep going to ER.

has anyone had any experience being in hospital for psychological issues?

31-01-10, 17:40
Sorry, I haven't, but I really think you should have a word with your doctor and explain how you are feeling. To feel as low can't be easy, but I'm sure you can get help with this, not necessarily hospital either. I'd make an appointment to see the doctor and explain your feeling and take it from there. Don't soldier on yourself.

31-01-10, 17:45
Ring your hospital and see if they have a mental health crisis team, they are like the A&E for mental health. I did when I was 1st really bad and they saw me the same day, they saw me everyday at 1st and most of the time come to my own house so I don;t have to go to hospital. They can also make emergency referrals. They can help!

31-01-10, 17:49
I doubt you'd be admitted to a psychiatric hospital for having panic attacks but this along with your distressing thoughts needs to be addressed by a doctor - preferably a psychiatrist.

You can call the Samaritans or NHS Direct in the meantime if you feel very bad but make an appointment with your doctor ASAP too.

31-01-10, 18:13
You can also try the No Panic helpline when having a panic attack, FREEPHONE 0808 808 0545, 10-00 am TO 10-00 pm