View Full Version : Could TMJ cause my symptoms? A little help?

31-01-10, 17:18
Hello all.

I've had pretty bad TMJ on my left side since 1986. I'm no stranger to the associated jaw pain, clicking, and locking; ear ringing and stuffiness; head, face, neck, and arm pain; etc.

For the final three months of 2009, I had a VERY severe sinus infection, during which I was flying from NY to Chicago every week. This experience was murder on my jaws and face, as I was constantly opening and closing to unclog my ears. Additionally, my teeth and face tingled and hurt more than usual.

As you can imagine, I've been freaking out about the tingling and crawling sensations that have remained with me since the infection cleared with the aid of antibiotics and steriods.

Another symptom that I've experienced sporadically over the past few months, including last night, is an inability to easily open my left eye upon waking in the morning. I have no secretions, and my eyelid muscle appears fine. It's as if my eyelid gets stuck along the eye, and requires a minute or two to lube up prior to opening with ease. Once I blink a few times and generate some tears, my eye seems fine, if not for the slight dryness and burning.

Question: Would any of you folks familiar with or suffering from TMJ run to a doctor, whether a neurologist, ENT, oral surgeon, etc.? My lower left lip tingling and eye symptoms are almost certainly associated with TMJ. But, I have the nagging feeling that a tumor is pressing on my facial nerves someplace. The last thing I need is another CAT scan.

Thank you.



01-02-10, 09:44
Unfortunately I don't know much about TMJ but your eye symptom sounds like what I have - dry eye syndrome. Especially in the mornings I wake up with eyes that are not moist and difficult to open, sometimes one side more than the other. There are gels you can buy to put on at night. Also eye drops and taking omega 3 oil. Maybe this will help.

01-02-10, 10:43
hi, i suffer from TMJ also and have lots of pain with my eye, more so on my right then the other side, my eye gets very blurry and feels briused around the socket and temple. when i spoke to my doctor and facial specialist, they both said the same thing, TMJ can effect the nerves in your face and give off all sorts of weird feelings.
its a horrible condition to have and really know how your feeling. but i really dont think you have anything to much to worry about, facial tingeling, numbness, aching, crawling is all syptoms of TMJ, and alot of sufferers complain of problems with their eyes cos of this condition.
right now as im typing this my jaw joint is throbbing, but i just try and ignore it.
if you dont think its improving then ask your doc to refer you to a TMJ facial specialist, and im sure they will ease your fears.

good luck x

01-02-10, 15:07
Thank you all ... much appreciated.

02-02-10, 00:43
I know about tmj as I suffer the same fate as you .. My thoughts on it although my eyes swell like you talk about too and have for many years off and on..is that I would have it checked out by a doctor.. doesn't have to be a specialist but most docs now are pretty familiar with tmj and all the symptoms.. Tumor I don't think so but im not a doc but would see one if you are worried about it. Hope you feel better soon.Michael