View Full Version : Tough month on meds

31-01-10, 18:32
Hey guys pretty new here.

Just come on here to blow off some steam as Im struggling quite badly with anxiety and intrusive thoughts right now.

Been on Venlafaxine for a month now just increased upto 150mg last week and my anxiety has shot up and thoughts are harsh.....Im just hoping this is my body and mind getting used to the meds its such a scary time.

My previous ordeal with meds came early last year when I convinced myself I was going to get all the side effects listed on Citalopram well my anxiety picked up on that I think and I spent 5 weeks on the meds before believing they were making me worse and vowing never to take AD's again, well 8 months on I was still struggling with intrusive thoughts and now depression so gave in and started the new meds. I pray they help and give me some relief soon.

Had a real tough day just about everything spiked my anxiety and only now am I calming down a bit as always seems to be the case.......terrible mornings and daytime.....almost normal on a night.

31-01-10, 19:38
Hi Chris and:welcome:to NMP. You will find plenty of help and support here. a month is still only a very short time to be on anti depressants. They can take up to six weeks to kick in. Depression is often worse in the morning and easing as the day goes on. It must be hard when you are suffering fron anxiety and intrusive thoughts too. Has your doctor suggested any CBT? I try to tackle my anxiety by doing some exercise or if you cannot exercise to try a good relaxation cd every day. Distraction can be good it just depends on how anxious you are and what things help you relax. The list is endless. I'm sure others will make some helpful suggestions about stopping the intrusive thoughts.

31-01-10, 21:34
Hi Chris,
It took me 6-8 weeks onCitralpram before any difference I was then upped to 40mg that only took a week but felt better. I too felt like it would work quicker but overall I'd say it took me 3 months to get any benefit. As Elizabeth says this forum is a great help and you will find a lot of support on here, even if you think your doing/feeling/thinking stupid I'd say that in most cases someone on here will feel like you.
good luck and dont give up trying