View Full Version : worst case senario

margaret jones
31-01-10, 22:53
Why is my nausea always food poisioning ? Why is the pain in my chest a heart attack ? Why is my lightheadedness a brain tumour ? Why are my cold feet poor circulation ? and the list goes on and on and on . Trying to think positive about symptons only way to get well i think :)

Veronica H
31-01-10, 23:10
:) So true Margaret.


01-02-10, 05:54
That's the spirit! Think positive. :)

01-02-10, 09:53
This is what in cbt they call "catastrophic thinking" . Are you currently on the waiting list for cbt ? There are alot of good self help books on the subject out there also

01-02-10, 11:33
I am exactly the same Margaret, at the moment its my constant lightheadedness and off balance feeling, well of course its a brain tumour, surely anxiety cant make me feel this bad. surprise surprise yes it can.
Take care
Ann x

Vanilla Sky
01-02-10, 12:46
This is all part of health anxiety :mad: . I'm the same Margaret, but you would think with all the symptoms i've had i should know better, We just have to keep fighting it and keep thinking positive. I am so glad we have this site and we can all support each other :) paige x

margaret jones
01-02-10, 13:00
Thanks for your replys i know what it is but we all think ( but this sympton might be the real thing ug i hate H A

Take Care Margaret

02-02-10, 17:46
I am exactly the same Margaret, at the moment its my constant lightheadedness and off balance feeling, well of course its a brain tumour, surely anxiety cant make me feel this bad. surprise surprise yes it can.
Take care
Ann x

this is exactley how i am feeling at the moment ,cant shake it off ,and also was starting to think its a brain tumour .