View Full Version : Blood exam tomorrow, felling really anxious!

01-02-10, 01:11
Hello everyone! Well, I'm experience a bit of a problem here D:

Last week, my doctor told me to do a few routine exams that includes and ECG and a blood exam, wich is my worst problem right now. I was doing really well, but since this afternoon everytime I think about the exam I feel so anxious! Even those bad "anxiety symptomps" appear again (since I'm on Paroxetine for a few weeks now, I haven't been feeling really anxious at all ._.'); I'm afraid I'm going to collapse, have a heart attack or something during the exam, I'm so scared right now!

Could anyone please help? How could I calm down? I'm really nervous. '-'

01-02-10, 05:07
Hi Natalie

Blood tests and ECG's are just routing for anxiety sufferers, it's just for the doc to rule out any underlying problem that could be giving you anxiety (like an over-active thyroid etc).

You will find many people here (including wee me :)) have had all this done, it really is just routine I promise you.

Try and focus on something else before the exam, and remember, you are not going to pass out/have a heart attack, that is just anxiety playing with your mind.

Focus on after the exam, line yourself up for a little treat afterwards, as a reward for getting through it.

Just think how relaxed you will be after you get this test behind you, you will be fine, it's just a little anticipation anxiety :).



01-02-10, 05:20

I bet when you are actually there it won't seem so bad at all. In my experience, thinking about it before hand is always much worse than the actual event. I've had lots of blood tests and they are really nothing to worry about. If it helps, tell the nurse you are nervous and would like to lie down. I find that helps me to relax and I don't have to worry about feeling faint. Ask the nurse to talk to you to distract you - I find 9 times out of 10 I don't even realise they've done the test!

Good luck. Please let us know how you get on. :)

01-02-10, 09:30
Oh, thank you guys so much! I'm feeling really better now. I'm going to the exam in a few minutes, so wish me good luck! Later I'll come back and tell you how it all went :D

And thank you both for the replies, they really, really helped me :3

01-02-10, 22:10
Hi there, hope you went on all right with your tests.

I do ECG's and blood tests in my job and i deal with people who are terrified, just like us, all the time.

There are things that we can do to make it easier for you, hope it went well. x

01-02-10, 22:13
hi natalie,

you will be fine :yesyes:

i had to have one last week, and the amount of time i spent worrying, it was over in a minute lol.

just deep breath, once you feel it, its over...

good luck!

02-02-10, 04:09
Ohh, I couldn't do it! :weep:
When I got there, there was this huge wait line, and then I got nervous and had to come back home. I felt so bad after that, just kept thining how big of a coward I am. I wish I had more courage :weep: But I think I'm going tomorrow again, but this time I won't be afraid! :D

And thank everyone for the replies! They really calm me down before going to the hospital this morning and I'm very thankful to you all! :hugs:

02-02-10, 05:22
Hi Natalie,

I had my tests done two weeks ago. You can do it. You'll be fine. Just look elsewhere during the procedure, if you're scared to look. Breath deeply and slowly -- in through your nose and out through your mouth. Tell the technician to do it as you inhale -- it will reduce the sensation of the needle. That's what I did. :)