View Full Version : Monday's

01-02-10, 05:34
I avoid Monday's like the plague, or at least, I try.

I can't today, I have a meeting 140 miles away in Horsham (no offence if you live in Hosham btw ;)) but my anxiety is through the roof, climbing the freakin walls, don't you just love that heart attack anxiety (just phantom chest pains Jaco, don't be a muppet now).

If this meeting was Tuesday, I would still be in bed now, but no, this meeting is today, and I have had 2 hours sleep (on top of the 2 hours the night before).

Am I worried about the meeting? no, it will be a breeze so why the hell do I feel like this?

Every Monday is the same (to varying degrees) and I can't for the life of me get to the bottom of it.

Anyone else get anxiety on a Monday because it is Monday? or is it just me?

Well time to fire up the quattro, and just downloaded Aunty claire Weekes onto a card for the car, not needed her for a while lol.

Have a great Monday


01-02-10, 06:26
I've heard that Mondays are quite depressing for a lot of people (because subconsciously you know you have a whole week of work ahead of you). Personally I look forward to Mondays, but only because I have a neighbour from hell who is ridiculously noisy all weekend so I look forward to peace and quiet every Monday when he goes back to work after the weekend, lol.

01-02-10, 09:05
I hate Monday's too Jaco, I think as Shoegal has already said it's a common thing. Maybe after having a relaxing weekend and getting used to being at home with the family for a couple of days we just don't like the sudden change of getting up early and going back to work. I don't even go out to work but I still hate Monday's so make sense of that one :ohmy:

Veronica H
01-02-10, 09:16
:bighug1:the great Dr Weekes will see you safely through this Jaco....face, float, accept, let time pass.:)you will be back in your comfy bed before you know it.


01-02-10, 09:46
Hi jaco, just see Mondays as an opportunity to quell your anxiety even more like you have for Tuesday to Sunday :)

claire m
01-02-10, 10:32
HI jaco for me mondays make me feel like the weekend is never going to come!
The Heart anxiety is terrible i suffer this too (along with a few more :winks:)
And i have had a heart echo many ecgs and chest x rays too.
My doctor literally sits on his hands when i visit him as he knows what im going to say.

he says things like 'its tension' 'its anxiety' 'its stress'.
But for me it feels like something unrelated Like maybe a heart attack or a warning im going to have a heart attack.

I really just had to put all my trust and faith in my doctor but its very difficult when I feel this way.

The lack of sleep maybe is not helping as your body is tired and it gets to being a vicious circle.

And where do you carry the tension around for me its my upper chest and throat so if i do some deep breathing exercises with muscle relaxation i try to focus on this area more and i do think it helps:)

01-02-10, 13:01
Hiya, What is it about Monday's, i hate them too, i wake up feeling anxious and it takes me ages to get motivated and to wake up properly, infact i am just starting to feel ok now and its nearly 1pm.

I do think though, i tend to stay up quite late, as i cann't sleep if i go too early, so i get very tired in the mornings too, and after having the weekend and being out of routine and staying up even later, Mondays just always end up a disaster for me and i feel really anxious, so i think it def makes alot of difference if you are able to get an early night.

Hugs and hope your day goes ok xx

01-02-10, 13:11
I Think that non anxiety sufferers get that Monday morning feeling also. It is that feeling of having to go through another week, getting yourself geared up and motivated etc...

But what makes it even more terrible for us is that we have to deal with anxiety as well..

The key thing for me is to tell my self that I am going to have a good day, and also try to have an early night the before... It doesn't work all the time but it sure helps!

01-02-10, 13:17
Yes, I've never liked Mondays. I find that my mood lightens as the week goes on, definitely. Friday is my favourite day. When I was young I couldn't sleep on a Sunday night because I had school the next day. Has anyone else been like this? I was always an anxious child though. Hope you get on okay at your meeting Jaco. It'll be Tuesday before you know it.

01-02-10, 14:01
Cheers for the repies guys.

I just got back in after 4 hours to get there, 1/2 hour onsite, then 3 hours to get back, and like a complete muppet, I left the Claire Weekes MP3 at home (I swear it's old age).

Anxiety and M25 traffic jams, not a good combination ;) and I ran out of strong black coffee (ironically, coffee chills me out, go figure lol)

I spent a lot of time on the blower to a very close friend who managed to see me through, but I need to get over this Monday thing.

If I don't have a couple of drinks on a Sunday night, I can end up getting worked up on a Sunday, but god knows why, I don't work for anybody so it's not like it's an "o god, not work again" thing.

I carry the tension in my shoulders Claire, but when I get over anxious, my chest tightens up and then I find it hard to breath slow (and think I am about to drop dead lol)

And Myra, I am with you there, I love Fridays I am usually well upbeat by Friday, and like a different person compared to a Monday.

I was more disheartened this morning because until recently, all the anxiety had gone, but it's came creeping back since just before Christmas and I am not sure why.

Anyway, I survived ;)

Cheers all x


01-02-10, 19:53

Blimey you were up with the lark mate.

I know how much you hate Mondays and how they can effect you.

Just wanted to say well done and i hope you get a decent sleep tonight.
