View Full Version : Hate to be this grapic but I'm worried....

01-02-10, 11:12
I'm still having bowel issues and worry of colon cancer. As of late I have really been trying to eat right in order to get myself back in order. This morning I had 3 BMs. First was sort long, rounded and soft, second, was a little less rounded and not as long and soft, third was smaller pieces and flatter and wider still soft. No blood, medium to a lighter brown I guess. It also seems that even though it's not hard I have to help it start coming out by straining a little. Could this be IBS or something far more sinister? I can't get colon cancer out of my head. I have been anxious about this for 2 weeks. I didn't take anything to help me sleep last night and again woke at 2am. Can anyone please shed some light on this? I'm am about worried sick and my appt to gastro isn't until March 15. Again, sorry to be so graphic.

01-02-10, 12:02
Hello LADennis,

It all sounds normal to me, but I do know what it is like once you can't get a thought out of your head - the mind seems to focus on one thing and nothing else. It is good you are having bowel movements, and I wouldn't worry about the varience in shape and consistency - that is perfectly normal - sometimes you can get all sorts of changes within the same movement. Normal colour and no blood - all sounds fine. Once you have had your appointment with gastro I am sure your mind will be put at rest - the waiting is hard though.

01-02-10, 13:43
Awwww - please don't worry. this really does sound normal. Thinking about bowel cancer always makes me poo more - it is amazing how your gut responds to anxiety!

01-02-10, 14:01
please do not worry, all sounds normal, sometimes anxiety can trigger either running to the loo all the time or not being able to go at all

01-02-10, 14:38
I get that too! more so when I'm about to leave my house! i think the anxiety brings it on!
i often go 3 times , each BM being more softer....

01-02-10, 15:01
Hi LAdennis,

Please please try not to worry, I know easier said than done . Anxiety has a lovely trick of making us go more but your movements do sound normal.

My wonderful Mum (62) has stage four bowel cancer and when she first noticed that something was not quite right she had blood in her stools but this was black.

Im sure your doctor in March will finally put your mind at rest, try to keep positive :winks:

Julie x

01-02-10, 15:59
Thanks for all of the support. I guess I wouldn't worry SO if I didn't have this nagging, dull, off and on pain in my upper right abdomen. I guess that could be due to anxiety too. I do have little pains like that in other parts of my stomach too but mostly in the upper right. Is this normal as well???

01-02-10, 16:05
Yup, that's pretty normal. I went through years of this agony, it'll bother you in all sorts of ways, pains in the upper right, upper left abdomen, pains in the back, pains in the rectum, pains in the stomach, pains in the lower abdomen, pain so bad it'll wake you up, double you over, make you cry.

Sorry to put it quite like that, but abdominal discomfort due to IBS and anxiety can and is life changing, painful and to be honest sometimes I just wanted to die because of it. That might sound melodramatic, but that's how much it can affect your mind.

I've been better since I got treatment for my anxiety, it's not perfect and I doubt it ever will be perfect but you learn to cope. Things have been worse downstairs since I quit smoking several months back but it's different and it's more D and less pain now and to be honest now my anxiety isn't acute it doesn't seem to be such a big thing as it was, though I do still keep a clean pair of underwear in my bag when I go out!

Keep your head up, it can and will cause you pain all over your body, excessive BM and anything else you think. Bowel cancer isn't generally as obvious as this unless there are obvious warning signs and you've not shown any of them. Relax, breathe and try to find a solution that also helps you to cope.


01-02-10, 22:28
Well, I went back to my doctor and he says it is all anxiety related....maybe IBS but initially caused by my anxiety. He started me on zoloft so I hope this all works. I really want to settle down. This has cause me to lose my appetite somewhat, I have horrible insomnia it's just making me a wreck.

01-02-10, 22:42
Hi, I agree with everyone else here, it sounds totally normal and is a healthy colour. Stools are brown because of their high bile content and also, IIRC, because of bacteria. If your stools were very dark black or had an obviously high blood content, that would be more worrying, but not necessarily anything serious. Blood in the stools usually indicates a tear or fissure in the a*se, bowel cancer is usually heralded by the sight of enough blood to attract Dracula.

01-02-10, 22:51
Hi, I used to suffer quite badly from IBS however I went to see a Colonic Hydrotherapy Practitioner, the results have been amazing!!!!! Following her advice I have changed a couple of things in my diet. I have switched to gluten free breakfast cereal and no longer eat anything that contains the artificial sweetner Aspartame as this aggrevates the gut. I no longer suffer the wind and bloating associated with IBS and have lost a few pounds into the bargain.

01-02-10, 23:33
You said you were eating healthier. If your diet now contains more fiber, you could be having more movements than before.

I have run the gambit of worrying about colon cancer, IBS and anything else you can think of. I had terrible stomach/bpwel problems one year ago and underwent all the tests. Everything came back normal. Believe me, my symptoms were a lot worse than what you are experiencing. I had the upper abdomen/side pain for months. All anxiety. By the sounds of it, I think you have anxiety and will be fine.